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PAGE PAGE VI 摘 要 随着零售业内并购热潮的发展以及电子商务网络销售的异军突起,零售行业 的竞争越来越激烈,但是单靠一家零售企业的竞争力是不足够的,它们需要寻求 新的利润增长点和核心竞争力。随着信息技术日新月异的发展,企业所处的供应 链上下游各成员之间的联系日益紧密,供应链的竞争将代替单个企业的竞争,成 为国际经济社会的主流。要想提高供应链的整体竞争力,在激烈的竞争中取得成 功,供应链的协同管理是关键。零售行业的转型也应从供应链协同管理的角度来 进行。 目前,我国零售行业在稳步发展中面临着挑战和机遇,供应链方面的管理还 存在很多不足。本文首先分析了我国零售业在供应链管理方面存在的问题,再介 绍了供应链协同管理的相关理念、有效策略以及要求的信息系统环境,在此基础 上,对国外零售巨头沃尔玛和中国江苏苏果超市在供应链各环节的表现进行对比 分析,从而发现我国零售企业供应链上的不足。通过这两个案例的分析,提出我 国零售业在实现供应链协同中所面临的阻碍,并提出中国零售业特色的协同策略 建议,包括建立信任机制和激励机制来打破传统观念,采用先进的协同计划、预 测和补给等库存管理系统,用协作运输管理方式来结合使用配送中心和第三方物 流,建立有效的信息共享系统,实现供应链上下游的 IT 整合。 关键词:供应链协同,国内零售业,苏果,协同策略 Abstract Under the pressure of the ever-heating MA within retail industry and the thread from the e-commerce counterparts, retail companies, which are now confronted with increasingly intense competition, cannot just survive by their own. By adopting cutting-edge information technologies, new growth opportunities and core competitiveness can be created by the collaboration between companies linked by the same supply chain but with different roles. It has indeed become a mainstream that the competition amongst deferent supply chains has replaced the competition amid individual companies. Therefore, to achieve successful transition of the retail industry, retail companies should attach more importance to the collaborative supply chain management. Faced with both challenges and opportunities, the retail industry, although currently undergoing steady growth, is in severe need of great improvements. This paper firstly discusses the present problems of the collaborative supply chain management in China’s retail industry. And secondly introduces the relevant concept, efficient strategy and the information system required by collaborative supply chain management. Based on the theoretical explanation, the following passage gives a detailed comparison between the giant: Wal-Mart and the provincial retailer: the Suguo supermarket, during which we find out that the mechanism of incentive and trust, largely lac


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