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i i 摘 要 近年来,住房问题成为社会关注的热点问题,并日益关系着整个社会的安定和谐。 随着住房产权的货币化,我国停止了福利分房,住房产权通过货币支出来购买或通过货 币支出来建造。这在一方面减轻了政府和各单位在住房问题上的经济负担,启动了我国 住房消费市场,促进了住房商品化,从而推动了整个房地产事业的发展和成熟;在另一 方面,伴随住房需求量的不断扩大,房价不断上升,很多中低收入家庭陷入了“买房难” 的境地,同时住房的不平等问题也引发了很多其它社会问题。因此,以保证社会公平为 根本责任的政府积极探索新型住房保障模式,在此背景下,公共租赁住房出现并成为完 善中国城镇住房保障制度的一种创新实践。 本文从广义层面来探索公共租赁住房的政府责任,它是指政府积极回应社会需求, 并采取积极的措施,公平、有效地实现公众的需求和利益。公共租赁住房在发展过程中 显示出一些突出问题,主要表现为:总体定位不清、保障对象覆盖不广、市场参与不够、 建设资金投入不足、运行机制不畅等。因此,政府有必要不断总结经验和教训,逐步加 强政府在公共租赁住房建设中的责任,以维持社会稳定,实现住房领域的公平与正义。 本文立足中国国情,以政府责任为核心,围绕公共租赁住房建设展开相关研究。即 从公共租赁住房的整体定位出发,梳理公共租赁住房发展模式和工作机制,分析政府在 公共租赁住房建设中的责任缺失及其深层原因,对如何加强政府在公共租赁住房建设中 的责任作了深入研究,提出了可操作性的创新举措,为构建以公共租赁住房为主体的新 型住房保障体系提供政策建议。 关键词:政府责任 公共租赁住房 住房公平 ii ii Abstract In recent years, the housing problem has become a hot social concern problem, relates to the whole social harmony. As the housing property, on the one hand, reduce capitalization of the government and units in the housing problem of economic burden, launched Chinas housing consumption market and promote the housing commercialization, thus pushing the whole property business development and mature. On the other hand, as demand is expanding constantly, house prices are rising, many low-income earners in buy situation, and at the same time difficult housing inequality also has caused a lot of other social problems. Local governments actively explore new housing safeguard model, public rental housing is in this context appear perfect Chinas urban housing safeguard system of a kind of innovation practice. This article from the broad dimensions to think the public rental housing government responsibility, it is to point to a government actively respond to the needs of society, and take active measures, fair and realize effective public needs and interests. But in the process of development, public rental housing construction but shows some prominent problems, main show is: overall unclear orientation, guarantee object does not cover the wide, market participants enough and lack of capit



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