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华 中 科 技 大 学 硕 士 学 位 论 文
The aero-engine, known as the “heart” of the aircraft, is the main power plant of the modern aviation aircraft. As one of the three pivotal components of aero-engine, the combustion chamber is employed to make sure that the fuel chemical energy could be converted into heat energy normally at variable flight conditions. Due to the working environment in aero-engine combustion chamber is very harsh and the working process is also more complex than the other components in engine, the technical level of the combustor has become the key factor which constraints development of the aviation engine. If the combustion of fuel in combustor is more adequate, the more chemical energy will be released, the more kinetic energy will be obtained by the gas, and the efficiency of the engine will be higher naturally. Therefore the burning state of the fuel in combustion chamber is relevant to the improvement of the working performance of the aero-engine.
Swirl combustion could enhance the fuel’s burning effectively, and is an important way to improve the thrust-weight ratio and working performance. As one of the pivotal components of swirl combustion chamber, the swirler will produce great influence on the performance of combustor. In this paper, we present a new type of slotted swirler which suits to main combustion chamber. Both the experiment and numerical simulation are employed for the research on the combustion performance in slotted swirler annular chamber. The CFD software FLUENT is used to analyze the flow field characteristics and temperature field characteristics in slotted swirler annular chamber. Then by comparing the simulation results with those of a normal seamless swirler, one can see that compared to the seamless annular combustor, slotted swirler annular combustor has the longer recirculation zone, lower turbulent and smaller flow resistance; the main combustion zone has the higher burning temperature and the dut
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