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i i 摘 要 住房与教育、医疗、科技、卫生等问题都是关系到国计民生的大问题,然而住房 问题一直到现在都是我国面临的非常严峻的问题。自从 1998 年我国实行住房市场化 改革,停止福利分房以后,房地产业开始不断发展壮大,房价也随之快速增长,各种 收入阶层的群体都需要通过市场解决住房问题。虽然住房市场化避免了福利分房的种 种弊端,但是近年来,由于房价持续上涨,已经远远超出了中低收入家庭的承受范围, 而要解决这一问题的最好方式就是政府大力建设保障性住房,来满足这一群体的住房 需求,改善他们的住房条件。在保障性住房建设过程中虽然取得了一定的成绩,但是 还存在很多有待解决的问题。 本文主要研究分析地方政府推进保障性住房建设中的问题及原因,首先分析了地 方政府在建设保障性住房中取得的成效,任然存在的问题及原因,其次分析了地方政 府在保障性住房建设中目标多元性冲突,最后提出改进地方政府在保障性住房建设中 的相关建议,以促进我国保障性住房体系更快更好的发展。 关键词:保障性住房 地方政府 中低收入家庭 ii ii ABSTRACT The problems, such as Housing, education, health care, technology, hygiene etc. are the big issues related to the people’s livelihood. However, housing is a very grave problem that we confront with nowadays; the government executed housing marketing reform and stopped distributing welfare-oriented public house in 1998.since then the Real estate industry has grown rapidly. With the price of house soaring, every income group started to require solutions to solve the problem of housing via market. Although the mercerization of housing can get rid of the disadvantages of welfare-oriented public house, the price of the house soaring has already beyond the limit of low-and-middle-income family, the best way to solve this problem is that the government should take great efforts to build affordable houses to meet the need of this group. It can also improve the housing conditions of them. Affordable housing program has been made progress rapidly in our country, but there are many problems leaving to be solved. The article aim to analyze the facts and reasons that the local government put forward to the policies of affordable housing, at the beginning, the achievements, problems and causes exisiting still in the constructions of affordable housing by local government would be analyzed, then we also analyze the conflicts of target diversity in the constructions of affordable housing, at last,we get some relevant advise to resolve the problems in the constructions of affordable housing, so that we can perfect our syste



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