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I I 中 文 摘 要 决策涉及的主体是国家和地方的行政机关,是行政管理各项管理职能的基 础。基层行政领导者的决策能否按照科学发展观要求,实施有效的科学决策, 关系到基层政府各项事业的成败,因此基层行政领导者需要清楚认识并不断提 高决策能力。 本文首先介绍了有关基层行政领导者决策能力的内涵,指出决策能力是科 学决策的内在基础,是现代领导具备的最主要、最基本的能力。提升我国基层 行政领导者决策能力,把科学引入决策过程已成为当前急需解决的问题。其次, 提出当前提升我国基层行政领导者决策能力的意义所在。再次,分别从基层行 政领导者自身、当前基层行政决策的体制、决策能力的发挥的有限性、行政决 策执行力四个角度,详细阐述了制约我国基层行政领导者决策能力发挥的原因。 最后,针对基层行政工作的特点,提出从加强和提高基层行政领导者的科学文 化素质、树立现代决策理念、掌握和运用现代决策方法三方面来进一步提高基 层行政领导者的决策能力。 关键词:基层行政领导者 决策能力 决策体制 II II Abstract Decision-making is about administrative government of the country and the local authority .It is the basic of administrative management. The business of local government depends on the decision-making of the primary level administrative leaders can accord with the scientific outlook on development and make some scientific and effective decision-making.Therefore the primary level administrative leaders should have a clear consciousness and enhance the ability of decision-making endlessly. First the thesis introduces the meaning of the ability of decision-making of the primary level administrative leaders.It points out that the decision-making ability is the inner basic of scientific decision-making and the most important and the most basic ability which the nowardays leaders should have.It is necessary to promote the decision-making ability of the primary level administrative leaders and to introduce science into decision-making process.Second we put forward the meaning of the promotion of the ability of decision-making of our primary level administrative leaders.Third we expound the reasons which constraint the ability of decision-making of our primary level administrative leaders from four aspects such as the primary level administrative leaders themselves、the present the primary level administrative decision-making system、the localization of the decision-making ability、the administrative decision-making executive force.In the end we lodge that we should further promote the decision-making ability of the pr



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