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英文摘要 公共政策视角下的外来务工人员随迁子女流入地义务教育同城待遇研究——以苏州市姑苏区为例 The Study on the Equal Compulsory Education Treatment in the Same City between Children of Migrant Workers and Local Children from the Perspective of Public Policy ——Take Gusu District of Suzhou as an example Abstract A soaring population of migrant workers has been occurred in cities by reasons of the economic development as well as HYPERLINK /w/urbanization/ urbanization. In recent years, migrant workers who enter into cities are tend to immigrant in group of family in stead of individuality. The shortage of HYPERLINK /w/basic/ Basic HYPERLINK /w/public/ public services in emigrants cities have became more and more urgent because of the rapidly increasing number of non-registered population. A series of problems in social governance have been occurred in consequence. The education problem of children from migrant worker’s families is one of the most important one. This research is a case study in Gusu District,Suzhou. The paper reviewed the history, actuality and cause of this issue in the approach of public policy. The urban-rural dual structure, the divergence between education and finance policies are basic reasons of the education problem of migrant children. To ensure the right to education, and to protect the rights of local residents at the same time, the paper offered suggestions in top-level designing, institutional Innovation and execution mechanism optimizing. Keywords: Children of migrant workers, Compulsory education, Equal treatment in the same city, Public policy Written by: YeQian Supervised by: CaoJian II 目 录 第一章 绪 论 1 一、选题背景与研究价值 1 (一)选题背景 1 (二)研究价值 3 二、相关研究综述 4 (一)对农民工子女教育最早的研究 4 (二)关于外来人口流入地流动人口服务管理的研究 4 (三)对农民工子女教育状况的研究 5 (四)关于对“两为主”政策的研究 6 (五)关于中央义务教育政策执行梗阻的研究 6 (六)关于对农民工子女义务教育财政政策的研究 6 (七)关于外来务工人员流入地管理“积分制”政策的研究 7 (八)国外相关研究 7 (九)小结 7 三、主要研究方法 8 (一)文献研究法 8 (二)定性分析法 8 (三)调查研究法 8 四、研究内容 9 五、本文的创新之处 9 第二章 外来务工人员随迁子女流入地义务教育同城待遇问题的相关理论及政策 10 一、基本理论 10 (一)公共政策理论 10 (二)公共物品理论



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