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西北工业 大
西北工业 大学(i!í!士学位论文
对于许多复杂雷达目标如飞机、导弹来说,多次散射和绕射是对其 RCS 有显 著贡献的主要散射机制之一,本文从电磁散射和 RCS 的基本理论出发,研究了基 于平面 .$.j? 剖分的复杂结构电磁散射分析的建模技术,对复杂结构的多次散射和 绕射机制l进行了全面的理论分析,完成了集模型显示、修改、变换、消隐及计算 于一体的综合 RCS 软件设计和开发。
制。研究了良导体结构和介质涂敷结构的多次散射和绕射的理论计算模型,以物 理光学法为基础,发展了射线追踪算法;为计算边的贡献,发展了等效电磁流方 法:此外改善了几何模型处理中的面元剪裁算法。为验证计算精度.本文计算结 果与驻相法和高斯法的结果进行了对比,吻合良好。
在软件设计方面做了以下研究:修正了已有的部件遮挡处理算法,完成了能 处理面元模型遮挡的程序模块:以理论分析为基础完成了复杂结构多次散射和绕 射计算的程序设计。基于 Microsoft Visua! Stidio .NET 编程环境及 OpenGL 编程
技术完成了集模型显示、修改、变换为 一体的 RCS 分析软件的综合设计:
关键字:霄达散射截面 (RCS) 面元 多次反射 射线逅踪 绕射 涂敷等效电磁流遮挡
Pi北 T业人学Iijli 七字位论 文 摘
Multiscatter and diffract is one ofthe most important mechanism which contribute 10 the Rador Cross Section (RCS) ofthe complex target (eg. Plane,missile etc.). Based on the concepl of the RCS and the theory of 由e basic electromagnetic scattering,this.
dissertation discussed the application of the Physical Optics (PO) to the RCS of bodies modeled with NURBS surfac邸, and completed an integrate software with the display, transfer,shelter handling and modification of the models
Focused on the algorithm of RCS computation ,this thesis discussed the multiple
reflect and diffract problems ,and also the condition when the body was coated with RAM. Centered around the multiple reflect problem ,this thesis developed the ray tracing method ,including the method of facet clipping; In order to calculate the contribution of the edges,it developed the Equivelent Current Method (ECM) method .
AII the results were compared with the SPM method and Gauss method .
On the aspect of the design of the RCS integrative software,the following had been completed: it corrected the existing shelter process module; it developed the computation module include the ray tracing module and the diffraction module . The OpenGL based integratated software with functions of displaying,modification and transformation had been developed under Miscroso负 VisuaJ Studio .NET.
Keyword: RCS facet multiple
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