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价值链的空间分割已成为当前产业转移的重要特征。现有文献主要分析了跨国公 司价值链的区位选择,由于数据的可得性困难,对于国内企业价值链区位选择的研究 存在明显不足。因此,本文从价值链空间分离的视角,利用上市公司子公司选址数据, 讨论企业的区位选址与扩张,将公司按价值链功能分解为生产制造环节、营运销售环 节、技术研发环节,然后从省份层面、城市层面分析公司制造业价值链的区位分布, 并讨论价值链区位分布的影响因素。研究表明,市场规模、地理优势和金融发展水平 都影响着三个环节的区位分布,是共性因素。税收的优惠对生产制造类公司有正的影 响;销售营运环节对交通运输能力和通讯水平、经济的开放度、制度的透明性反映较 为敏感;教育科技水平等对研发环节或研发类公司的影响较大;工资对生产环节和销 售环节有正的影响,与以往部分学者研究不同。最后,本文给出相应的政策建议。
关键词: 制造类公司;价值链环节;区位选择;影响因素
The space division of value chain has become the important characteristic of the current industry transfer. Because of the difficulty of data acquisition, only a few of the scholars analyze the location choice of multinational company’s value chain. There are no domestic literatures about the research of location selection of domestic companys value chain. So, from the view of separation of value chain spatial, the paper makes use of the micro-data of listed company to discuss the company geographical location and expansion. Firstly, the paper decompose the company into production and manufacture element, operating sales segment and technology research and development element according to function of value chain. Then from level of province and city, it analyzes geographical distribution of company manufacturing value chain, and analyzes influence factor of value chain geographical distribution. The research indicates the size of the market, geographical advantage and the level of financial development affects the location distribution of three links. They are the common factors. Tax breaks has a positive impact on manufacturing companies. Transportation ability, communication level, economic openness and transparent institution influence sales link. Human capital has a positive impact on technology research and developmental company. Wages have a positive influence on production and sales link, which is different from research of part of scholars in the past. Finally, we provide the corresponding policy.
Keywords: manufacturing companies; value
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