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华 中 科 技 大 学 硕 士 学 位 论 文 I I 摘 要 自从无标度特性和小世界特性被发现以来,无论是具有实体联系的自然网络, 还是由各种关系构成的社会网络,复杂网络已经成功地应用于描述和预测各种复杂 系统的现象和行为。而现代社会赖以生存的因特网、电力网和交通网等复杂系统, 都要求其上负载(信息、电能、物资等)的高效传输。复杂网络上的负载传输已成 为当前的研究热点之一。 由于通过变更传输路由来提升复杂网络的传输能力既方便又经济,本文主要从 路由优化的角度研究了复杂网络上的负载传输问题。首先介绍了当前复杂网络环境 下的各种路由策略,说明了各自的特点和适用范围,为复杂网络中路由策略的设计 和选择给出了定性的建议。 基于经典节点介数的定义,给出了定义在任意路径集之上的节点扩展介数的概 念,它描述了节点在特定路由集中的重要程度;进而基于节点扩展介数,本文给出 了一种全局静态路由优化策略;与最短路径路由、有效路径路由和基于介数的优化 路由的仿真比较,证明了该优化策略的有效性和优越性;另外指出了此路由优化策 略可同样适用于节点类型异构的复杂网络。 接着考察了连边传输能力受限的含权复杂网络上的负载传输优化问题,提出了 一种基于连边扩展介数和连边传输能力的全局路由策略,并分别在连边能力分布不 同的两类传输模型中进行仿真,验证了它的可行性和高效性。 最后对全文进行了总结,并对复杂网络上负载传输问题的研究前景进行了展望。 关键词:负载传输 路由策略 优化分析 中心介数 复杂网络 II II Abstract Since the scale-free and small-world properties were identified, complex networks have been applied with success to describe a wide range of natural and social systems in which entities or people are connected by physical links or some abstract relationship. The in- creasing importance of complex networks (such as the Internet, the power grid, the transport networks, and so on), upon which our society survives, calls for the need for high efficiency in handling and delivering loads (information, energy, goods, and so on). The traffic on a network is one of the hot topics of recent research on complex networks. It is usually inexpensive and convenient by altering the routing protocol to enhance the transmission efficiency of networks. In this thesis, some improved routing strategies are proposed to enhance the traffic capacity of complex networks. Firstly, some previously proposed routing strategies are introduced. Based on their characteristics, some proposals are given for the design and selection of routing strategies on complex networks. Based on the definition of betweenness centrality, the concept of expanding between- ness for a certain route set is given, which gives an estimate of the traffic handled by the node in the route set. Then an improved routing strategy is proposed to enhance the traffic efficien



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