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万方数据 万方数据 酚后处理的各组,均能改善脑片中神经细胞形态结构受损的情况,细胞膜破损减 轻,胞核较完整,均能使尼氏小体数量增加,LDH释放率及bFGF数量降低,而两 者之间差异均无统计学意义;4、富氢水联合丙泊酚后处理组的尼氏小体数量较 丙泊酚药物后处理组增加,LDH释放率及bFGF数量均降低;与100μmol/l的富氢 水后处理组相较,药物联合组的尼氏小体数量增加,而LDH释放率及bFGF数量均 增加。结论:1、不同浓度的富氢水对谷氨酸介导的乳鼠离体脑片损伤确有一定 的保护作用,其中以100μmol/l为最佳;2、丙泊酚对乳鼠离体脑片谷氨酸损伤 后的保护作用确切;3、富氢水联合丙泊酚对缺血再灌注损伤的保护作用较单独 使用效果更好,其机制可能与减轻神经胶质细胞过度活化有关。 【关键词】富氢水; 丙泊酚;缺血再灌注损伤;保护作用 III Protective effects of hydrogen-rich water combined with propofol postconditioning on glutamate injury to Brain Slices of Neonatal Rats Major: Anaesthesiology Postgraduate: LIU Hui-ting Supervisor: WANG Di-fen [Abstract] Objective: Firstly, we studied the protective effect of hydrogen-rich water on neonatal rat brain slices in vitro after glutamate induced neurotoxicity, and explore the optimum concentration of hydrogen-rich water in vitro cultured neonatal rat brain slice . Secondly, we investigated the protective effects of hydrogen-rich water combined with propofol postconditioning of glutamate (Glu) mediated ischemia/reperfusion (I/R) injury and explore its mechanism of action. Methods: We cut and cultured the brain slices of Sprague-Dawley(SD)neonatal rats which has born seven days. Then the brain slices were randomly divided into 10 groups. The experiment was carried out in two steps. The first step, we explored the optimum protective concentrations of hydrogen-rich water. This step consisted 5 groups, named: 25 μmol / l hydrogen-rich water combined with Glu injury group (HL25+Glu group), 50μmol / l hydrogen-rich water combined with Glu injury group (HL50+Glu group), 100μmol / l hydrogen-rich water combined with Glu injury group (HL100+Glu group), 200μmol / l hydrogen-rich water combined with Glu injury group (HL200+Glu group), 300μmol / l hydrogen-rich water combined with Glu injury group (HL300+Glu group); The second step, we discussed the protective effects of hydrogen-rich water combined with propofol. This step contained another 5 groups ,nam



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