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哈尔滨工业大学管理学硕士学位论文 哈尔滨工业大学管理学硕士学位论文 - - II - Abstract Low Carbon is the hot topic during the Chinas Two Sessions in 2010. Based on the heoretical and empircial study of low carbon cities home and abroad, this research studies the evaluation index system of low carbon city from macro and micro levels. This research hopes to improve the evacation of low carbon city index system, and to enrich the theoretical study of low-carbon city. It also has the empir ical research through the first-tier cities in China, which hopefully provides some advice for the other cities on the construction of low-carbon city. In this paper, the author puts forward the concept and content of low-carbon city including five areas, which are living consumption, traffic environment, technology service, energy consumption and low-carbon ideas. Based on this concept, this research builds a low-carbon city evaluation system from the macro and micro level. The author uses the factor analysis method and analytic hierarchy process to give the weight of this evaluation system index and the empirical analys is with the data of Beijing, Shanghai and Shenzhen. The empirical result of the macro level shows that the scores of Shenzhen’s macro index are more forward, especially on the technology service which has a strong competition. Beijing and Shenzhen behave equivalent in the overall, and the advantage of Beijing is mainly reflected on the traffic environment and energy consumption. Compared to Beijing and Shenzhen, Shanghai’s indicators of the macro level do not have an obvious advantage. At the micro level, Beijing scored highest in five secondary indicators, except that energy consumption habits of the residents of ind icators which is in the second place. Shenzhen has only the participation in a low-carbon environmental activit ies in the second place, the rest are all in the fina l rankings.The ranking of Shanghai at the micro- level is between Beij ing and Shenzhen. Combining the results of the


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