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中文摘要 低松弛预应力钢丝是用于预应力混凝土结构的高强度经济型钢材之一。预应 力技术已成为土建工程中一种十分重要的结构材料的工艺处理手段,其应用领域 日益扩大。应用此技术的混凝土具有如下优点,可明显降低结构自重,提高承载 量,加强隔音、保温性能,并且可进行工厂化生产,改善作业条件,降低环境污 染和缩短施工周期等。 本文根据低松弛预应力钢丝稳定化生产线的工艺要求,对其电气控制系统进 行了分析、设计,并对感应加热原理和电源的选择进行分析,来达到满足工艺要 求、降低能耗及减少钢丝损耗的目标,进行了系统的分析、研究和设计。主要内 容如下: 低松弛预应力钢丝稳定化生产线系统控制的研究是应用型研究,明确应用型 研究的原则,是要以生产线达标为目的,即生产线使用者的需求为基点。 对低松弛预应力钢丝稳定化生产线系统控制的原理,硬件选择、通信选择、 软件设计进行分析、研究。 对感应加热过程的原理、选型、控制加以分析,以满足工艺要求、降低能耗 及减少钢丝损耗为目标进行分析研究。 最后,通过分析、研究提出进一步研究的方向。 关键词:低松弛预应力钢丝;工艺;机械装备;感应加热;电气系统控制 ABSTRACT Prestressed steel wire is one of used for low relaxation prestressed concrete structure of high strength economic steel. Prestressed technique has become a kind of very important civil engineering structure materials and special technology method, its application field is expanding. Application of the technology of concrete has the following advantages, can obviously reduce weight structure, improve load capacity, strengthen the sound insulation heat preservation performance, and can be factory production, the improvement work conditions and reduces environmental pollution and shorten the construction period, etc. According to the technological requirements of low relaxation prestressed steel wire stabilization production line this text has analysis and design for electrical control system, for induction heating principle, the choice of the power supply, and to meet the requirement of process and reduce the energy consumption and reduce the loss of steel wire as the goal, proceed the system analysis, research and design. Main contents are as follows: Low relaxation prestressed steel wire stabilization production line system control is applied research, clear the principle of applied research, with the production line to achieve purpose: namely production line the needs of users for basis points. Made the analysis and research for Low relaxation of prestressed steel wire stabilization control of the production line system principle, hardware selection, communication options,



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