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significantly and will produce the vertical force component. The horizontal component was symmetrical distributed on both sides of the center. It was the mponent force made the liquid steel rotated along the horizontal plane.
Linear magnetic field moved along linear direction and formed a closed magnetic circuit, through changing the load parameters and drive structure to study the influence factors of electromagnetic force.increasing the current and coil number of turns can obviously increase the electromagnetic force. If current frequency is too big, the electromagnetic force will decrease. In this paper, the electromagnetic force is the largest when current is 40A and frequency is 20Hz.Throuh reducing the space between inside and
outside the core, improving the core material’s magnetic conductivity can increase
electromagnetic force effectively, after enlarging the pole area from 0.02m2 to 0.03m2, the average electromagnetic force increased,and transient electromagnetic force’s volatility in the whole cycle decreased, which is conducive to improve the transmission stability of liquid metal.
Through calculation and analysis to further master the characteristics of low-frequency magnetic field driving metal melt, the conclusion and rule will provide theoretical support to expand and improve the application of magnetic drive technology in actual production.
Key Words: Electromagnetic drive; Numerical simulation;Rotating magnetic field; Linear magnetic field;Electromagnetic force
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目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
1 电磁驱动技术研究背景 1
1.1 材料的电磁场处理分类 2
1.2 电磁驱动金属熔体基本原理 2
1.3 电磁驱动技术的研究背景 3
1.3.1 电磁驱动的磁场类型 4
1.3.2 旋转磁场的工作原理 4
1.3.3 旋转磁场对金属熔体的驱动研究背景 6
1.3.4 旋转磁场对金属熔体的驱动理论研究 7
1.3.5 直线型磁场的工作原理 8
1.3.6 直线磁场对金属熔体的驱动研究背景 9
1.3.7 直线磁场对金属熔体的驱动理论研究 11
1.4 本文研究的主要内容 12
2 电磁驱动理论基础 14
2.1 电磁驱动电源选择 14
2.2 驱动装置线圈的卷线方法 15
2.3 趋肤效应 16
2.4 透入深度 17
2.5 铁芯的磁化特性 18
3 电磁驱动的数学模型 20
3.1 电磁驱动控制方程 20
3.2 Maxwell 方程组的微分形式 21
3.3 电磁场中常见的边界条件 22
3.4 电磁力微分方程 23
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