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With the low-carbon economy raised, the problem between trade and environment are having got widespread attention increasingly. The world economy is also turning trend to low-carbon development. Many countries have begun to make the emission reduction goals, which related with low-carbon economic development. Our government also makes the commitment in the Copenhagen Climate Conference, to 2020, China’s unit of gross domestic product of CO2 emissions will be dropped 40%-45% compared with the year of 2005. Since reform and opening–up, the foreign trade of Guangxi has got rapid development. The amount of exports rose from 0.423 billion RMB to 79.129 billion RMB from 1978 to 2011, increased by 187.07 times. But the expansion of export trade increased the consumption of energy. And the high energy consumption increased the environmental damage. Under the guidance of the low-carbon economic development concept, many industries of Guangxi face considerable pressure to reduce emissions. The extensive growth mode already can’t adapt to the current economic development model. In the future, the world trade structure will change. The proportion of high energy consumption, high emission, and high pollution products in the international trade will gradually decline, but the proportion of low energy consumption, low emission, and low pollution products in the international trade will gradually raise. Therefore, to explore the Guangxi’s low-carbon trade development road is an inevitable choice to realize the sustainable development.
During deeply analyzed the international and domestic trend of low-carbon economic development background. Used qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis, combined the research methods of theoretical analysis and empirical analysis to investigate low-carbon economy situation of Guangxi’s export trade. On the one hand, since 1999, although the export commodities structure had changed a lot, still based on the extensive labor-intensi
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