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摘要1 摘要 1 供应链金融模式下商 供应链金融模式下商业银行中小企业融资问题研究 PAGE 2 摘要 我国中小企业在推动国民经济持续快速发展、缓解就业压力、拉动内部需求 等方面都发挥了十分重要作用。但由于信用等级普遍较低、缺乏可抵押财产、商 业银行与企业之间信息不对称等原因,融资难成为制约其生存和发展的主要问题。 供应链金融是商业银行针对中小企业融资难问题为其量身定做的一种新型融资模 式,它基于供应链的角度,通过制度创新引入核心企业以及第三方物流来共同分 担中小企业的融资风险,既缓解了弱势企业的融资困境,同时为银行带来了新的 盈利模式和理念脉络,是有效解决中小企业的融资难的新途径。 本文通过理论与实际案例相结合的方法,从整理研究中小企业融资问题及供 应链金融的文献资料入手,结合具体案例分析阐述了供应链金融的概念、特点、 融资模式,在其基础上从中小企业、商业银行、政府三方面对我国中小企业融资 现状和存在的主要问题以及商业银行供应链金融服务发展现状进行分析,提出供 应链金融对中小企业融资的促进作用,然后从系统的角度应用 Logistic 回归建立供 应链金融信用风险评价模型,结合因子分析对我国供应链金融的信用风险进行量 化。最后对我国商业银行中小企业供应链金融管理针对其存在的问题提出具体的 对策。 关键词:供应链金融 中小企业 企业融资 Abstract 3 供应链金融模式下商 供应链金融模式下商业银行中小企业融资问题研究 PAGE 4 Abstract In China SMEs have played a very important role in promoting the sustained and rapid development, easing the employment pressure, stimulating domestic demand. However, because of the low credit rating, the lack of the mortgaged property and the asymmetric information between commercial bank and enterprises, financing has been the main problem as a constraint to its survival and development. Supply chain finance is a new financing model which is tailor-made by commercial banks to solve the SMEs financing problem. It is based on the perspective of the supply chain, through institutional innovation to make the core corporate and third party logistics corporate to share the risk of SMEs financing. It is an effective solution to solve SMEs financing difficulties in new ways, which is not only ease the financing plight of vulnerable corporate, but also bring the new profit model and the concept of context for commercial banks. This paper use a method of the combination of theory and practical case. From the start to finishing of the literatureuse of SMEs financing and supply chain finance, with detailed cases it analyzes and describes the concept, characteristics and financing model of supply chain finance. On this basis, it from SMEs, commercial banks, government to analyze the main problems in the status of SMEs financing in China and the



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