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I I PAGE PAGE VI 摘要 摘 要 随着知识经济的发展和经济全球化的不断深入,各国政府均面临许多新的挑 战。如何适应新形势,调整政府职能,在全球化进程中趋利避害,已经成为一个 全球性的课题。 从我国的实际情况看,当前我国正处于经济、社会转型时期,其特殊性在于 多元社会形态并存。特别是由于传统体制的惯性作用,我国的政府在很多方面仍 然具有经济建设型政府的特征,这严重束缚了社会主义市场经济的发展。在这种 情况下,迫切要求政府从自身角度出发,调整结构、转变职能、实现政府转型, 以促进经济社会稳定、健康、可持续发展。党的十六大和十六届三中全会提出我 国政府改革的战略目标是实现由“建设型政府”向“公共服务型政府”的转变, 强化政府公共服务职能。随后各地政府积极响应,开展公共服务型政府建设,取 得了一定效果。但到了 2006 年公共服务型政府建设显示出了低潮的态势。在建设 进行公共服务型政府过程中,纷纷遇到了来自各方面的阻力,导致公共服务型政 府建设无法往深层次推进。建设公共服务型政府是一个艰巨和长期的过程,2006 年进入低潮意味着运动式的建设公共服务型政府的阶段已经过去,理性的、踏实 的建设阶段正在酝酿中。 本文从建设公共服务型政府的意义入手,收集归纳大量的国内外参考文献资 料,为完善我国公共服务型政府建设提供了强有力的理论支撑,文中借鉴大量的 案例,分析我国公共服务型政府建设的现状,以及对建设过程中出现的问题进行 根源分析,探索适合我国国情的公共服务型政府建设的发展方向。 关键字:公共服务型政府 建设 研究 发展方向 Abstract Abstract Along with the development of knowledge economy and the deepening of economic globalization, most governments are facing many new challenges. It has become a global issue that how to adapt to the new situation and adjust the functions of the government, especially in seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages in global process. From the reality of our country, at present, our country is in an economic and social transition period, and its uniqueness lies in a pluralistic society forms co-exist. Particular as the inertia of the traditional system, government still has the characteristics of the economic development model in many areas, which seriously hindered the development of the socialist market economy. In such circumstances, we press for the government reforming from their own perspective, adjusting the structure, transforming its functions, and restructuring of government to promote economic and social stability, health, and keeping sustainable development. The 16th National Party Congress and the Third Plenum of the 16th Chinese government put forward the strategic goal of the reform is to transit from building-government to public service-oriented government, and strengthen the governments public service functions. Subsequently the local governments responsed positively, pub


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