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上海交通大学 上海交通大学 MPA 学位论文 公共预算视角下的我国政府行政成本控制研究 万方数据 万方数据 等。同时结合实际工作,笔者以上海市某中心城区 2006 年至 2010 年行政 成本数据为例,分析地方政府行政成本的主要构成和主要增长原因并介绍 区县政府目前控制行政成本的相关措施。第四章根据上述问题分析,将国 外控制行政成本的成功经验与笔者工作实践结合起来,为我国行政成本的 降低与控制提出现实建议:应明确行政成本的官方口径,与收支分类改革 衔接;进一步规范机构编制管理和预算编制管理,做到行政成本单列;加 强对重点支出的精细化管理,硬化财政预算约束;建立行政成本预算公开 制度和行政成本绩效考核制度,加大法制建设和监督力度。 关键词:行政成本,财政支出,公共预算,行政成本控制 II THE R E SE AR C H O F C H IN E S E ADM IN IS TR AT IV E C OST C O N TR O L FR OM P UB L IC B U D GE T V IE W ABSTRACT The government administrative cost has become the widely concerned by public recently. Controlling and reducing government administrative cost is strongly demanded to build a more economical society, and to deepen the reform of public budget. However, the research of administrative cost mainly uses the qualitative analysis,and lacks quantitative index accepted by the academe, which intensively restricts the practice on controlling administrative cost. Especially in government budget management, there is little concrete index and correlative administrative system, which debases the sanction and force effect of the government budget, even worse, can block the course of public budget reform. This thesis tries to analyze how the administrative cost increased and what caused the problem. According to correlative theory and practice all over the world, the author gives advice on how to control and reduce government administrative cost from public budget view. This thesis is divided into four chapters. The first chapter mainly expresses the research background, significance, ideas and methods. The second chapter set forth the theory of administrative cost and public budget. The third chapter is about the situation and the practice of Chinese government administrative cost. There are some reasonable causes make Chinese government administrative cost increasing rapidly due to the development of economy and society. However, it should be controlled strictly comparing with other countries in the world. From th



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