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内 内容摘要 1 1 随着我国法治进程的不断深入,各类法律法规的不断健全,普法宣传普及和公民权 益意识的觉醒,越来越多的人开始选择使用法律武器来维护和保障自己的权益。尤其在 与政府的行为关系中,当公民的合法权利受到侵害时,可以通过复议、诉讼等方式获得 法律的维护、支持,实现自己的权益主张。然而,作为国家法律政策的具体执行者—— 公务员,却长期以来受根深蒂固的“官本位”思想浸淫、传统权力崇拜熏染、以及特别 权力关系理论的影响,过分的突出了公务员的公务身份,弱化了公务员普通公民性,表 现出明显的体制束缚下依赖性人格,缺乏健全的独立自主性,从而忽视了作为自然人应 享有的基本权利。特别是在不服行政处分的救济方面,与国外相比,无论是在救济途径、 救济程序还是保护机构方面都存在很大的不足。本文通过真实的公务员行政处分案例, 比较借鉴国外法治先进国家的公务员行政处分救济制度,分析我国现行公务员行政处分 救济制度方面存在的缺陷与不足,结合现状,以求重构公务员行政处分救济制度。 全文由导论和正文两部分构成。导论由三个部分组成,第一部分为选题研究方向的 提出;第二部分阐述了选题的意义;第三部分介绍了行文基本框架和研究方法。正文由 四个部分组成:第一部分阐述公务员行政处分救济制度的基本原理;第二部分是论述我 国公务员行政处分救济制度现状及缺失;第三部分是国外公务员行政处分救济制度比较 和借鉴;第四部分是构建我国公务员行政处分救济制度,从构筑法律体系、健全行政救 济、确立司法救济等方面重构我国公务员行政处分救济制度。 关键词:公务员;行政处分;救济制度;特别权力关系;公务员申诉委员会 Abs Abstract public public servants in China and reconstructs the remedy system for the administrative sanctions on the public servants in China from the construction of legal system, improvement of the administrative remedy and determination of judicial remedy. 1 1 2 2 With the continuous development of the process of rule of law in China, various laws and regulations are continuously improved, the law publicity is popularized and the awareness of civil rights are awakened and more and more people begin to maintain and safeguard their rights and interests with the law. Especially in the act relationship with the government, citizens may gain the maintenance and support of law by review and lawsuit to realize their rights and interest claims when their legitimate rights and interests are infringed. However, the public servants, as the specific conductor of the state law and policies, have long been steeped by the deep-rooted official standards, corrupted by the traditional power worship and influenced by the special power relationship theory, which excessively highlights the official status of the public servants while weakens the ordinary citizen status thereof, and expresses their dependent personality in the apparent system restraint, lack of the sound and independent self-reliance, t


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