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法 律 硕 士 专 业 学 位 论 文
On preventing measures concerning the risks of unregistered investors in corporation
作 者 姓 名: 王 博
指 导 教 师: 曹 兴 权 教授
西 南 政 法 大 学
Southwest University of Political Science and Law
范,全文分为四个部分: 第一部分,隐名出资人是不是公司的股东。应根据公司章程和公司注册登记
档案记载的情况去判断股东资格。隐名出资人的姓名或名称未登记在公司章程和 公司注册登记档案上,不具有股东资格。本案原告在与被告办理股权变更登记以 前不是绿洲公司的股东。
第二部分,隐名出资人主张股权变更时面临的问题。隐名出资人虽然不是公 司法上的股东,但享有合同法上的权利。隐名出资人有权依据其与显名出资人之 间签订的合同,向后者主张行使股权变更登记、要求投资收益、追偿有关损失的 权利。本案被告否定原告股权变更登记主张的理由不成立。
第三部分,隐名出资人在主张股权变更时可能面临的风险。本案原告在办理 股权变更时可能会面临的风险包括:显名股东恶意处分股权会限制隐名出资人行 使权利变更;公司其他股东行使优先购买权会对其主张权利变更带来限制。
第四部分,隐名出资人规避风险的建议。隐名出资人在进行隐名投资时,可 以利用股权信托、审慎签订隐名投资协议、妥善保管相关证据等手段,以有效避 免隐名出资的风险。
关键词:隐名出资人; 显名股东; 股东资格
This article revolves around the declaratory action of Zhang Jianzhong versus Yang Zhaochun on shareholding, analyzes the preventive measures concerning the
risks taken by unregistered investors, and is divided into four sections:
The first section discusses whether unregistered investors are shareholders of the company which shall be determined by the bylaws and articles of association of the company. Unregistered investors are those whose names are not registered in the bylaws and articles of association and thus have no qualifications as shareholders. In this case the plaintiff was not a shareholder in Nanjing Lvzhou Equipment Installation Engineering Co., Ltd. before his shareholding transfer with the defendant.
The second section relates to the problems of shareholding transfer claimed by unregistered investors. Though unregistered investors are not shareholders by corporation laws, they still enjoy certain rights in reference to contract laws. According to the agreements signed with registered investors, they have the right to claim from registered investors for shareholding transfer, income from investment, and related damages. Therefore in this case the defendant failed to deny the claim for registering sharehold
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