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河北工业大学硕士学位论文 河北工业大学硕士学位论文 氮化镓的质子辐照效应 氮化镓的质子辐照效应 i i ii ii 氮化镓的质子辐照效应 摘 要 氮化镓在禁带宽度大、临界击穿电场高、抗辐照等性能方面上的优势,使氮 化镓非常适合在极端条件下工作,尤其在航空领域的高粒子辐照下工作。而氮化 镓的质子辐照效应作为一个新的课题在航天领域具有深远的意义。本论文主要对 不同剂量入射质子在氮化镓中的缺陷进行了研究。实验过程采用了 1015cm-2 、 1016cm-2 的剂量辐照,同时取了没有辐照的样品作为参照。对辐照前后的样品分别 进行了正电子寿命谱和拉曼测试,同时本文也计算了非电离能损。本论文的主要 工作如下: 1,计算了低能质子辐照氮化镓的非电离能损。前人的研究主要考虑了低能 时的库伦相互作用而忽略了核外电子库伦屏蔽。所以,本文对考虑库伦屏蔽后低 能质子在氮化镓中的非电离能损进行了公式计算。 2,分析了实验测得的正电子寿命谱,主要从实验结果中的缺陷的强度和寿 命以及平均寿命入手,并给出了缺陷信息。并用单寿命谱分析了??1 比体寿命小的 原因。 3,取了 5MeV 不同入射质子能量的三组实验样品,结果发现 E1(T0)模式的存 在,同时粗略的计算了载流子浓度,通过理论计算和拟合,得到了 GaN 中的等离 子体激元的频率和阻尼常数,并得到了载流子的迁移率。另外,取了 2MeV 不同 入射质子能量的实验样品,进行了分析对照。 关键词:非电离能损,正电子寿命谱,拉曼散射谱 PROTON RADIATION EFFECTS ON GaN ABSTRACT Gallium nitride as a wide band- gap compound semiconductor offers attractive properties such as high thermal conductivity and high electron saturation velocity in extreme conditions ,especially in aviation field .Gallium nitride of proton irradiation effect as a new subject in the aerospace field has a profound meaning .This article mainly for different dose incident proton in the defect of gallium nitride were studied .The experiment process adopted 1015cm-2、1016cm-2 dose irradiation ,and at the same time ,took a sample not irradiated as a reference. The samples were tested by the positron lifetime spectrum and Raman spectrum.By the same time the NIEL was calculated. In this paper the main work is as follows: 1,This article calculated the NIEL of the low-energy proton irradiation in GaN.Previous studies considered the low-energy Coulombic interaction,but they ignored the electrostatic screening of nuclear charges of interacting particles.So,the NIEL induced by low energy proton in GaN has been calculated using analytical. 2, It was mainly vacancy-type defects by proton irradiation,so the positron lifetime spectrum was used to measure GaN of different doses of proton irradiation. The defect information were measured by analysing the strength and the lifetimes of the defects and the a



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