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ABSTRA ABSTRACT I I RESEARCH ON THE PRIVATE PARTNER OF PUBLIC PRIVATE PARTNERSHIP (PPP) ABSTRACT Public Private Partnership (PPP) is becoming widely applied in the West; it is regarded as a core idea of changing government function and improving the public service level. PPP is facing the problem of localization and legalization in China. But take a glance at the research, the issue of Private Partner is always a neglected corner. The Research of Private Partner of PPP is important and essential, or the study of PPP won’t be systematic. This article is based on the above considerations, showing the five topics of Private Partner from the development of the PPP. The first part is the relative position of the PPP theory. The second part is about the selection of Private Partner. And the Rights and Obligations of Private Partner is the third part. The fourth part is the regulation of the Private Partner. At last, we will focus on the Judicial Relief of the Private Partner. KEY WORDS: PPP Private Partner Legal Status 目 目 录 中国政法 中国政法大学硕士学位论文 公私伙伴关系相对人研究 I I 目 录 HYPERLINK \l _bookmark0 目 录 I HYPERLINK \l _bookmark1 引 言 1 HYPERLINK \l _bookmark2 第一章 被遗忘的角落:公私伙伴关系相对人的地位 4 HYPERLINK \l _bookmark3 一、公私伙伴关系概论 4 HYPERLINK \l _bookmark4 二、公私伙伴关系相对人:PPP 中不可偏废的一隅 6 HYPERLINK \l _bookmark5 (一)公私伙伴关系相对人概念之检讨 6 HYPERLINK \l _bookmark6 (二)公私伙伴关系相对人的类型 8 HYPERLINK \l _bookmark7 (三)公私伙伴关系相对人与行政机关的关系 9 HYPERLINK \l _bookmark8 (四)公私伙伴关系相对人的重要性 9 第二章 公私伙伴关系相对人的遴选 11 HYPERLINK \l _bookmark9 一、双阶理论的开展与批判——公私伙伴关系相对人选任的性质 11 HYPERLINK \l _bookmark10 (一)单一说 12 HYPERLINK \l _bookmark11 (二)双阶说 12 HYPERLINK \l _bookmark12 (三)复杂性简化——对双阶理论的一点认知 13 HYPERLINK \l _bookmark13 二、告别“自己采购”——公私伙伴关系相对人选任的方式 14 HYPERLINK \l _bookmark14 (一)基于案例的考察——德国、我国台湾地区公私伙伴关系契约相对人的 HYPERLINK \l _bookmark14 选任方式 14 HYPERLINK \l _bookmark15 (二)基于条文的分析——我国关于公私伙伴关系相对人的选任方式规定的 HYPERLINK \l _bookmark15 冲突 15 HYPERLINK \l _bookmark16 (三)量力而为——我国关于公私伙伴关系相对人选任方式的立法能走多远16 第三章 公私伙伴关系相对人的权利义务 18 HYP



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