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中文摘要 资金的缺乏是国内外政府部门在建设、运营、维护基础设施中所遇到的一个 共同的问题。PPP 项目融资模式,即公共部门与私人部门建立合作伙伴关系用于 提供公共产品或服务的一种方式,是一种将私人资本引入基础设施建设的先进的 融资模式。在基础设施建设中采用 PPP 模式,可以缓解政府的财政压力和债务负 担,使风险合理分担,实现政企“双赢”,同时提高项目的运作效率和技术水平。 天津滨海新区开发为天津乃至我国经济发展的一项重要战略,城市基础设施的建 设需要大量资金,如何将 PPP 模式成功地运用在天津市滨海新区基础设施建设 中是一个亟待解决的问题。本文首先利用查阅文献等方法,从基础设施的分类和 特点入手,探讨基础设施建设的必要性和意义,又利用对比分析的方法,分析了 PPP 各类模式的特点和适用范围,同时借助在滨海新区访谈调研的方法,从理论 上探讨了滨海新区采用 PPP 融资模式的可行性与必要性,继而对滨海新区采用 PPP 模式的融资模式、政府职责、PPP 运作流程等方面进行研究设计,力图开发 出在天津滨海新区开发中应用 PPP 融资模式理论模型和应用程序,从而为滨海 新区建设吸引更多的建设资金,缓解政府的财政压力和债务负担,加快政府体制 改革和滨海新区金融创新,发挥滨海新区的战略地位,带动全国经济发展。 关键词:PPP 模式;基础设施;项目融资;滨海新区; ABSTRACT The lack of funds to domestic and foreign government departments in the construction, operation and maintenance of a common problem encountered in the infrastructure. PPP project finance model, the public sector and private sector partnerships for the provision of public goods or services, is a private capital into the advanced mode of financing of infrastructure construction. In the construction of infrastructure, PPP mode, and can ease the financial pressure and debt burden of the government, and reasonable sharing of risk between government and enterprises win-win, while improving operational efficiency and technical level of the project. Tianjin Binhai New Area of Tianjin and Chinas economic development is an important strategic city infrastructure needs a lot of money. How to PPP mode is successfully used in infrastructure construction in the Tianjin Binhai New Area is an urgent problem. Firstly, use methods such as literature, start with the classification and characteristics of the infrastructure to explore the necessity and significance of the infrastructure construction, but also the use of the comparative analysis method, and analyzed the characteristics and scope of the PPP types of mode, while using in the coastal New Area interview research, theoretically explore the feasibility and necessity of the Binhai New Area using PPP financing model, then risk analysis using th



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