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II II 中文摘要 甘肃是具有八千多年历史的文化大省,以敦煌艺术为代表的美术资源极其丰 富,曾在古代美术史中占据了辉煌的一页。但是在宋元时期由于我国政治、文化 中心的南移,近古甘肃的美术处于边缘化境地。直至近代,敦煌艺术重现天日, 在大批著名外来美术名家的带动下,甘肃当代美术才重新发展起来。 在这样的背景下,作为一门年轻的艺术形式,甘肃当代国画人物画在建国后 迅速成长,并在二十世纪八十年代后显示出蓬勃的生机。经过二十多年的发展壮 大,甘肃本地的国画人物画家队伍已具有相当的规模,其中具有代表性的人物画 家有:李宝峰、董兆惠、段兼善、李葆竹、王辅民、李伟、马江、王宏恩、王万 成、王骁勇、张兴国、张玉壁等。他们在继承传统的基础上,以现实主义作为创 作的主流样式,勇于探索、大胆创新,充分利用甘肃境内丰富的地域资源和民族 特色,形成了具有浓郁生活气息和独特艺术魅力的平实、朴素的绘画风格,创作 出了众多别具一格的作品。甘肃人物画家的艺术实力和作品质量,都在全国美术 界产生了一定的影响。 本论文以甘肃国画人物画的历史渊源和发展历程为线索,重点结合当代甘肃 著名国画人物画家的风格与作品,分析当代甘肃国画人物画的艺术特色,探索影 响当代甘肃国画人物画创作的内在因素,探究当代甘肃国画人物画创作面临的问 题,展望其发展前景。通过这几个部分,对甘肃当代国画人物画的绘画风格、技 法特点、审美理想、创作观念等方面进行分析研究,为当代甘肃和国画人物画的 发展提供理论支持。 关键词:甘肃 当代 国画 人物画 研究 PAGE PAGE IV Abstract GanSu is a cultural province with over 8,000years of history, among which Dun Huang Art is especially outstanding, it is not only one of the representatives with fruitful resources, also it once occupied dominant status in ancient art history. Despite its edge situation in ancient and modern art during the Song and Yuan Dynasty because of the transfer of our political and cultural heart from the north to the south, Dun Huang Art releases and sees the light of day until modern times. It is with the help of a great many famous artists coming from other areas that the contemporary art of GanSu comes back to life. In such developing background, as a young art style, the figure one of traditional Chinese painting of contemporary art in GanSu grew up rapidly after the PRC was founded and rejuvenated from the 1980s. After 20 years’ development and growth, the parade of local figure painting of traditional Chinese has considerably broad dimension, there are some well-known representatives among them such as Li Baofeng, Dong Zhaohui, Duan Jianshan, Li Baozhu, Wang Fumin, Li Wei, Ma Jiang, Wang Hong’en, Wang Wancheng, Wang Xiaoyong, Zhang Xingguo and ZhangYubi, etc. They adopt realism in their style creation to explore and innovate with great efforts based on inheriting the traditional features, thus forming a



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