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华 中 科 技 大 学 硕 士 学 位 论 文
The traditional information system which is developed in order to achieve the special business needs is closed and tight coupling. With the development of enterprise, these information systems form a large number of isolated information islands. In order to eliminate theses isolated information islands, to reuse of information systems business function better, so how to make different information systems to interact better and cooperate to finish complex business task becomes an important research topic.
In service-oriented architecture, functions of application are looked as services, they contact with each other through well-defined interfaces and contracts. Interface is defined as neutral, so it is independent of hardware platform, operating system and programming language. In this case, the relationships among services are loosely coupled, so that can effectively solve the drawbacks of traditional systems.
In order to solve the problems of the traditional information system integration, this paper proposed an electric power companys information systems integration method base on service-oriented architecture. This method combines the actual situation of company and will use service-oriented architecture theory and Web services technology. The technology of data warehouse and Web services are combined in this method, it achieved the reuse and integration of heterogeneous resources without affecting the efficiency of business processes within the enterprise. The main research contents were as follow: Proposing the main processes of information system integration in power company; Study of external Web service interface design method and how to design the security mechanism of information system integration. The information system integration method, proposed in this paper, is especially useful in the electric power companys information construction process.
Keywords: Web Services, Information System Integration, Ente
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