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万方数据 万方数据 摘 要 无线通信技术的飞速发展,大大加快了无线网络的普及率,大量的无线需求 致使有限的频谱资源日益紧缺。为了缓解无线频谱资源紧缺和部分频谱使用率不 高之间的矛盾,认知无线电技术应运而生。随后,认知无线电网络也逐渐受到大 众的瞩目。它能够感知当前网络环境,并通过自我分析和学习,自适应地进行判 决、规划和行动。伺机接入空闲频段的方式极大地优化了无线频谱的利用率。然 而,不可信数据的存在导致了对可用资源的错误判断,从而造成网络行为失败, 并对授权网络产生干扰。传统的硬安全技术无法有效抵御此类安全威胁,但信任 管理之类的软安全技术却能较好地解决该问题。 本文从信任管理研究入手,分析了现有研究方案仅适用于中心式网络架构和 度量因子过于单一的不足。基于此,本文结合分布式认知无线电网络的认知循环, 提出了一种适用于分布式认知无线电网络架构的动态信任管理机制。该方案通过 划分认知用户网络行为的效益、目的和特征,采用多因子分类计算常态信誉和合 作信誉,并利用动态选择的遗忘因子更新信誉,实现对认知用户信任的奖惩。通 过该信任管理机制,以分布式的方式监督认知用户网络行为,促进用户合作,避 免不可信实体对网络的安全威胁。该方案丰富了信任度量因子,使得信誉值可以 依据认知用户行为的变化自适应地变化,较好地反映用户的行为表现,从而维持 用户长期的行为标准,过滤恶意用户。理论分析和仿真表明,本文设计的信任管 理机制具有一定的可行性、准确性、动态性和安全性。 关键词:认知无线电网络 分布式 信任管理 信任度量 动态 万方数据 万方数据 Abstract The rapid development of wireless communication technologies facilitates the wireless network access. The keen radio demand leads to the increasing scarcity of the limited spectrum resources. Cognitive radio (CR) technology emerges that can effectively alleviate the contradictions between the shortage of radio spectrum and the low utilization rate of part spectrum. After that, the cognitive radio networks ha ve been gradually attracting the public attentions. It can sense the current network environment, then comprehend and learn the information by itself to make decision, plan and guide action adaptively. The opportunistic spectrum holes access optimizes the use of the radio spectrum greatly. However, due to the presence of uncertain sensing data, users will misjudge the availability of spectrum, which results in the network behavior failure and interference with the primary networks. The traditional hard security technology can’t defend these security threats validly, while the soft security technology such as trust management mechanism is a relatively better solution to the problem. This paper researches on the trust mechanism and analyzes the deficiencies of current study papers. For example, most schemes only focus on the infrastructure architecture and their metric factors are too simple. Th



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