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Study of contemporary administrative organizational culture A Dissertation Submitted for the Degree of Master Candidate:An Zhu Ni Ma Supervisor:Prof.Lv Hongqiang Chang’an University,Xi’an, China 摘要 摘 要 I I PAGE PAGE IV 改革开放后,随着国际经济的发展融合以及中国市场的逐渐成熟,80 年代中期我 国学者的关注目光开始投注在于 20 世纪末兴起于组织行文学和管理学的一个研究热点 —组织文化的研究和探索上。与率先在企业中广泛开展的组织文化相比,中国政府的行 政组织文化的研究及应用还处在不成熟阶段,既对作为行政文化分支的组织文化的关注 度不高,也没有建立一个适合组织文化建设和发展的良好空间。在我国行政体制改革的 当下,其核心任务就是政府职能的转变,就行政发展而言,要想增强政府保障体系的服 务性功能,减少政府行政的功利色彩,实现法治行政、民主行政、公正行政与理性行政, 就必须进行行政变革。在政府行政中,行政组织文化作为行政管理的灵魂,是行政发展 的核心组成部分,对规范行政行为,指导政府职能转变和行政体制转型起着重要作用。 虽然现有的行政组织文化有着很强的传统行政文化背景,单靠几个部门建立较为先进的 组织文化很难提高政府部门的整体效能,但仍然不妨碍我们在科学的、符合中国实际需 要的前提下,创立科学系统的行政组织文化指导思想,以建设稳定发展的行政组织文化 的途径入手,建立具有我国特色适合我国政府建设的行政组织文化,最终提高我国政府 的国际竞争力和影响力。 关键词:组织文化;行政组织文化;行政发展 Abstract After the reform and opening up, the development of international economic has coalesced step by step and Chinese market has gradually matured. In the mid - 80 - s, Chinese scholars begin to pay close attention to the organizational culture research and exploration which is a research hot spot in line organization and management in the 20th century literature. Compared with the organizational culture that takes the lead in the enterprise extensively developed, the research and application of the Chinese governments administrative organization culture is still in immature stage. As a administrative culture branch, the attention of organizational culture is not high, it also does not have to create a good space which is suitable for organizational culture construction and development. At present in the administrative system reform, the core task is the transformation of government function. In terms of administrative development, the government must carry out administrative reform in order to strengthen the service function of government security system, reduce administration utility color and realize the rule of law administration, democratic administration and fair administration and rational administration



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