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I I 摘 要 加强执行力建设,是现代企业管理的重要内容。国有企业实现健康、稳定 的可持续发展离不开企业执行力建设。领导执行力是企业执行力的重要组成部 分。研究领导执行力建设对促进企业做强做大做久有重要的作用和价值。尤其是 在当前严峻的市场环境和经济形势下,领导执行力建设越来越成为国有企业克服 危机,走出困境的重要举措。 本文在大量搜集和认真查阅国内外已有研究成果的基础上,以具体的国有企 业为研究实例,以执行力建设理论为理论基础,分析了当前中国国有企业领导执 行力的现状和问题,深入思考构建领导执行力体系的新方法新途径,尝试总结出 若干具有规律性的、对国有企业建设发展有益的对策建议。正文共分为六章。第 一章前言,介绍了研究的背景和意义,相关研究文献综述和研究内容。第二章理 论基础,对执行力理论进行综合概述,介绍了“领导”概念的理论学说,以及领 导执行力概念及构成要素,对国有企业的概念进行了界定。第三章总结了当前国 有企业领导执行力的特点。第四章分析了国有企业领导执行力建设发展的重要性 和必要性。第五章以中煤能源集团下属某电气工程类公司为例,进行案例分析。 第六章对健全和提高国有企业领导执行力建设提出建议。 关键词:国有企业,领导执行力,企业文化 II II Abstract To strengthen the executive capacity construction is an important content of modern enterprise management. State-owned enterprises to achieve sustainable development of healthy, stable cannot do by itself without the enterprise executive ability construction. Executive ability is an important part of enterprise executive force. Research on leadership executive ability construction to promote enterprises more bigger and stronger to have an important role and value. Especially in the current severe market environment and economic conditions, leadership execution construction has increasingly become an important measure of state-owned enterprises to overcome the crisis, walk out of predicament. Based on a large amount of collecting and studying the domestic and foreign research results. The state-owned enterprises as the research example. In the execution of the construction theory. Analysis of the current situation and problems of state-owned enterprise leadership Chinese execution. Further on the construction of leading the implementation of new way and method of power system. Try to find out some regularity of the state-owned enterprises, the construction and development of some useful suggestions. The text is divided into six chapters. The first chapter is the introduction. This paper introduces the background, significance of research. The second chapter is the theoretical basis, Summary execution theory. Leadership execution con



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