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I I 山东理工大学硕士学位论文 摘要 摘 要 传统汽车因其能源消耗与尾气排放等问题对环境造成了严重影响,随处可见的雾霾 尤其明显。要想改善环境,必须要改变能源结构,抑制机动车数量的急剧增长。近年来, 随着低碳经济理念的推行,电动汽车行业不断发展壮大,充电机的研制也变得至关重要。 本文结合充电机的设计指标,根据铅酸蓄电池的充电特性,设计制作能实时监测电 池的充电状态并记录的车载充电机。车载充电机是直接与电网连接的电力电子设备,因 此在谐波处理、功率因数、效率等方面有着较高的要求,选择合适的拓扑结构与控制方 式十分重要。 本文在分析现有拓扑与控制原理的基础上,设计一款 3kW 的车载充电机,主要完 成以下原理设计、制作与调试工作: 根据充电机的设计要求选取升压型拓扑结构的功率因数校正电路作为充电机的前 级输入,并设计了进线端的滤波电路抑制电磁干扰。在 PFC 整流原理设计的基础上制作 了样板进行调试,输出电压符合要求且纹波小。后级的降压电路采用了全桥电路的软开 关模式,以满足效率要求。 本文详细分析了功率变换回路的参数计算及器件选取工作,控制回路也有所涉及。 中央控制单元采用 Philips 公司的 P89LPC938 单片机,设计了电池电压、电流、温度采 样电路以实现充电机的智能控制与安全性。实验中期使用样板调试与 PSIM 仿真结合的 方式验证了理论的正确性,后期制作了充电样机得出了实验结果。 最终通过实验验证了理论的可行性,充电结果满足功率因数、纹波、效率等方面的 要求。 关键词:车载充电机;铅酸蓄电池;智能化 山东理工 山东理工大学硕士学位论文 Abstract II II Abstract The energy consumption and exhaust emissions of traditional automobile has caused a serious impact on the environment, haze is a particularly evident. To improve the environment, we must change the energy structure and inhibit the rapid growth of the number of motor vehicles. In recent years, with the introduction of the concept of a low-carbon economy, the electric car industry continues to grow, so the development of charger becomes crucial. This paper combining the design specifications of charger, based on the charging characteristics of lead-acid batteries, then design the car charger which can monitoring the battery state of charge in time and recorded it. Car charger as a power electronic device is directly connected to the grid. Therefore, it has a higher demand in the harmonic processing, power factor, efficiency and so on. It is very important to select the appropriate topology and control it. This paper based on the analysis of the existing topology and control theory, Designing a car charger of 3kW and mainly to complete the following principles of design, production and commissioning work: According to the design requirements of the charging machine, selected power factor correction circuit which has Boost topology as a pre-stage input for charger, designe



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