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社会公德是全体公民在社会交往和公共生活中应该遵循的行为准则,涵盖了人与人、人 与社会、人与自然之间的关系。在人与人的关系层面上,社会公德主要体现为文明礼貌、乐 于助人;在人与社会的关系层面上,社会公德主要体现为爱护公物、遵纪守法;在人与自然 的关系层面上,主要体现为尊重自然、爱护环境。
当前我国社会公德在总体上存在一些问题,主要表现为:人们社会交往中文明礼貌的缺乏 与待人冷漠现象的泛滥;公共生活中破坏公物与公共秩序行为的猖獗;对待自然环保意识淡 漠以及肆意破坏生态平衡;社会公德缺失导致道德滑坡论盛行。
当前国人社会公德的缺失有着其深刻的历史根源。封建专制的政治体制、小农经济结构、 家族制度、封建传统文化都对公德的发展产生了消极影响。而建国以来的历次运动也对社会 公德造成了不小的负面影响,特别是大跃进和文化大革命对社会公德造成了巨大破坏。此外 计划经济和市场经济都对社会公德有一定的影响。我国已经认识到了社会公德建设的重要性, 并采取了一些举措,可是仍然存在一些问题。诸如社会公德教育的内容、形式、方法不完善, 社会公德行为的外在监管不到位等等。
通过对当前我国社会公德缺失问题的原因进行分析,我们可以从改进社会公德教育体系、 优化社会公德环境、走群众路线发动群众对社会公德行为进行监督、加强公民个人品德修养 这几个方面入手来加强我国的社会公德建设,提高我国社会公德总体水平。
Social morality is the code of conduct that should be followed by all citizens in social and public life, which covers from person to person, man and society, the relationship between man and nature. On the level of human relations, social morality mainly embodied in friendly and helpful; On the level of human and social relations, social morality mainly embodied in taking good care of public properties, law-abiding; On the level of human and nature, mainly embodied in respecting nature, being friendly to the environment.
Currently, there exists some problems on the social morality in our country in general, the
performance mainly consists of: the lack of civility in the social intercourse and people don’t help each other; the destroy of public objects and the violation of public order; being unfriendly to the nature.
The phenomenon has its profound historical roots. The feudal autocratic political system, the structure of the small- scale peasant economy, family system and the feudal traditional culture all have a negative influence on the development of social morality. And some political activity since the establishment of new China, especially the great leap forward and cultural revolution caused enormous damage to social morality. Moreover, the planned economy and market economy has a certain influence on social morality. Our country have a
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