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摘 要 《屈原赋注》是戴震一部重要的学术著作,反映了戴震早年的思想和学术成 就,是对后世有重要影响的《楚辞》注本。戴震的治学门径,是以声音文字以求 训咕,由训咕以求义理,认为义理不可凭空臆断,必求之古经古训。戴震所注屈 赋,具有深厚的思想内涵和务实求真的疏证特征,对屈原思想的研究和认识都具 有一定深度。本文以《屈原赋注》为研究对象,较深入系统地全面研究,以揭示 此书的特点与价值。论文分为四部分: 第一部分介绍作者的生平以及成书情况。内容包括戴震一生履历、交游、著 作以及此书创作背景和版本流传情况。通过对此一系列问题的考证,可以对《屈 原赋注》有一个概括性全面了解。 第二部分介绍《屈原赋注》的内容体例以及注解特点,此章是本文研究的重 点。戴震治经论学先考证字义,次通文理,在注解《屈赋》时考经证史,阐释古 籍时,充分体现出考据求真的学术特征,对屈赋从字司到语句、文意都做了详细 的注解。本章通过对注本的分析,梳理出戴震注本的特点和方法。 第三部分对《屈原赋注·音义》作者问题探析及《通释》的特色浅谈。通过 对作品本身和不同刻本的考察试确定《音义》的作者。屈赋中之地名,诸说多有 不同,戴震在《通释》或取一说,或独立考证,一般不并列歧义,体现了戴震客 观严谨的治学态度。 第四部分简述《屈原赋注》的价值和不足。本章主要对此注本作出总结,以 揭示其文学价值和文献价值,挖掘其对后世楚辞注本以及今人进行古籍整理工作 的借鉴意义。在分析其价值的同时,还指出其所存在的不足之处。 关键司: 戴震 《屈原赋注》 注解方法与特点 价值 Abstract NQu Yuan Bestows on NoteN is Dai Zhen a important scholarly work, had reflected wears shakes the earlier thought and the academic success, has the material effect to the later generation NChu elegiesN the note book. by the explanations of words in ancient books righteousness principle, thought in order to righteousness principle cannot conjecture baseless, must ask ancient after the ancient precept. Wears shakes pours bends the tax, has the deep thought connotation and strives for practically really sparse card characteristic, has certain depth to the Qu Yuan thoughts research and the understanding. This article NBestows on Note take Qu YuanN as the object of study, the comprehensive study, promulgates this book systematically thoroughly the characteristic and the value. The paper divides into four parts: The first part introduces authors biography as well as the book in circulation situation. The content including Dai Zhen the life personal history, makes friends, the work as well as this book creation background and the edition spreads the situation. Through a series of questions research, may NBestow on Note regarding this to Qu YuanN has a concise thorough understanding. The second part introduced NQu Yuan Bestows on NoteN the content style as well as the illustration characteristic, this chap



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