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万方数据 万方数据 中文摘要 目的:通过改良枳实消痞丸治疗脾虚食积型非糜烂性胃食管反流病的临床研 究,观察临床疗效,从中医的角度探讨其发病机制,为临床治疗此类疾病提供一 种治疗措施。 方法:将符合诊断标准的 60 例病例随机分为治疗组和对照组,治疗组和对 照组各 30 例。治疗组服用改良枳实消痞丸汤剂,对照组服用奥美拉唑肠溶胶囊, 疗程均为 8 周,治疗前后以 GERD-Q、SF-36 评分表等作为观察指标,评价患者症 状控制及生活质量改善情况,治疗结束后随访至第 24 周比较两组的复发情况。 所得数据计量资料符合正态分布、满足方差齐性时采用完全随机 t 检验,方差不 齐性时采用秩和检验;计数资料采用χ2 检验。 结果:两组接受治疗 8 周后 GERD-Q 评分均明显改善,症状得到有效控制的 比率在统计学上没有差异;但 8 周后生活质量改善,两组比较具有统计学差异, 治疗结束后随访至 24 周两组复发率比较具有统计学差异。 结论:改良枳实消痞丸治疗脾虚食积型非糜烂性胃食管反流病有效,能较好 的缓解并控制本病相关症状,并能更好的改善患者生活质量,且能降低治疗结束 后第 24 周复发率。 关键词:改良枳实消痞丸 脾虚食积 非糜烂性胃食管反流病 临床观察 ABSTRACT Objective: To explore the pathogenesis of spleen deficiency type functional dyspepsia of NERD (nonerosive gastroesophageal reflux disease) treated by modified Zhishi Xiaopi Wan through observing its clinical effects. Methods: Divide the enrolled 60 patients into TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) group and Western Medicine group randomly with 30 patients respectively. On the basis of there being no differences on GERD-Q and SF-36 which are processed by statistics, they are comparable. The control group is treated with Omeprezole, and the treating group, with modified Zhishi Xiaopi Wan . The sympton remission rate, QOL(quality of life) evaluation and recurrance rate of both groups are observed. Results: After 8 weeks treatment, there is magificant improvement on GERD-Q for the two groups. The ratio of the symptons being effectivly controlled shows no difference in statistics. However, there shows difference in life quality after 8 weeks together with the relapse rate after 24 weeks’ treatment for both groups. . Conclusion:Modified Zhishi Xiaopi Wan can effectively treat spleen deficiency type functional dyspepsia of NERD. It can relieve and control the reflux symptions as well as Omeprezole. In the recurrence rate, it prevails over Omeprezole. Key words: modifies Zhishi Xiaopi Wan; spleen deficiency type functional dyspepsia;NERD; clinical observation. 4 缩略词 缩写 英文全称 中文译名 BE Barrett’S esophagus Barrett 食管 DGER Duodenal gastroesophageal



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