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北京交通大学硕士论文 摘要 YS86091 摘要 框架式地道桥是一矜常用于城市铁路和公路相交路口处的桥 梁,多采用铁路在上、公路在下的形式。伴随着我国交通运输的 迅速发展,尤其是由于火车提速甚至兴建高速铁路和开挖地铁等 的影响,这些都对地道桥结构设计提出了新的要求。因此,有必 要对框架式地道桥这一桥梁结构形式进行较以前更为深入的分析 和研究 F 以确保在这些复杂条件下已经修建和即将修建的地道桥 能够满足实际要求。 本文以全国最大的框架式地道桥为例,计算分析了其内力情 况。在此基础上 F 按照离速铁路的标准进行了检算,详细讨论了 地铁开挖对该地道桥的影响,最后提出了设计建议以及对其下地 铁开挖的深度要求。论文中还编写了针对框架式地道桥的有限元 分析计算程序。最后,在新修建的马家堡地道桥下面埋设了较多 的实验仪器,以监测和捻证桥梁受力状态和底板下土体的下沉情 况 9 为以后地道桥规范制定和受力分析提供试验依据。 关键词z 框架式地道桥,有限元分析 p 开挖地铁 F 优化设计 F 试验测试 荣坚作者、导师向急 匆全文公布 北京交通大学硬士论文 摘要 Abstract Frame tunnel bridge is wídely used in urban intersection where railway and highway jion ,commonly railway lies up and highway lies down. W?th the rapid deveJopment of com.munication in China, especial1y raising speed of railway building high叩eed railv.ray and subway,these new condition bring forward new demand for design of 企ame tunnel bridge. Accordingly,ìfs necess缸Y to analysis and detect these birdges more deeply 也an ever,to ensure tunnel bridge ∞uld accommodate these new conditions. In this paper,the biggest frame tunnel bridge of China is selected as an example to explore the inner force of the bridge. Base on the analysis,the bridge is checked by high...speed railway criteria , moreove民 the influence for existing frame tunnel bridge because of subway excavation ìs also discussed thoroughly. Finally,some revised suggestion for bridge design and d句也 demand for subway excavation are obtained. An analysis program of fitùte element for frame tunnel bridge is introduced. At last,some test instruments are ìnbuli能d in MaJiaBao Bridge which w,槌just fir让shed. 古le aims of all these related work 缸e to monitor and v创fy the stress 01this bridge and the soil subsidence under soleplate. On the other hand,the result can be used as a de臼iled reference for frame tunnel bridge criteria making and s饥58 analyzing. Keyword: frame tunnel bridge,伯世te element analysis,subway excavation,optimum design, test Il 北京交通大学硕士论文 第~章序论 第二章绪论 第一节 框架式地道桥及计算软件发展概况 随着我国经济发展的步伐加快,铁路、公路运输能力不断提 高声路网建设要求形成规模啻现有



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