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Sand static liquefaction problem has always been a hot point of geotechnical engineering research, because it is the major cause of leading landslide, mud-rock flow and other natural disasters. As a result, the researches on preventing sand static liquefaction have vital significance. With the deep research on the prevention of slope liquefaction, people become more and more realized the superiority of plant protection slope compared to other engineering protection methods. Vegetation protection slope technology is widely used to govern slope. It could not only reduce the cost of engineering reinforcement, but also prevent soil erosion, protect ecological and beautify the environment, which has important significance to our countrys energy conservation and the harmonious development of man and nature.
The paper explores the preparation methods of original root soil in the laboratory, and three different types of mould have been designed. They correspond to three different root samples: the root direction of samples in horizontal, 45°direction and vertical direction. Through cultivating vegetation directly in the mould, we could get minimum disturbed samples. Static liquefaction data of original root soil could be obtained by triaxial shear test. Six series of triaxial shear test have been conducted, corresponding to plant density, root direction, soil initial relative density, root length and plant species. On the same time, constant water-head saturated permeability test method is used to study the influence of different root distribution for soil permeability. The results prove that:
First of all, with the plant density in a certain range, sand liquefaction potential is decreasing when plant number increases. When the plant density exceeds this range, the liquefaction potential settles out with the increasing of plant number.
Secondly, under lower consolidation cell
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