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I am greatly thankful to a number of people. Owing to their help and support, this thesis can be finished smoothly. I would like to express my great gratitude, appreciation, and thanks to them.
Firstly I am most indebted to my supervisor professor Li Yunqi. I owe his special gratitude for the reason that no matter during dissertation proposal or revision, he both gives me great help. His invaluable suggestions, concerned instruction, far-sighted comments and painstaking corrections, all have contributed a lot to the completion of this paper.
Secondly, sincere thanks go to all the teachers who taught me in the field of translation during my undergraduate degree. They trained me and helped me in order to broaden my horizon and enrich my knowledge. Then I become more and more interested in translation so that I have determination to do research in the field of translation.
And lastly, my genuine love must be given to my family and my friends. They provided me with selfless help and great support so that when writing to tediousness, I can enjoy my happy time with them to have a relax.
All in all, without the helps of the above lovely people, this thesis wouldn?t have been completed. As for their every assistance, I could not repay them, but to present this paper here to feedback their merits.
Provided with unique cultural characteristics, Ci poetry is a treasure not only to traditional Chinese culture but also to the world literature, benefiting from its conciseness in language and abundance in connotation. Ci poetry is also called “a combination of long and short sentences”, which means there are different length of sentences in the same Ci poetry. Under every Ci epigraph, the number of words and sentences, rhyme and so on, are all strictly prescribed. Therefore, the translation of Ci is much harder than that of the other forms of poetry. It is a long and high-responsible way to go for translators to translate Song Ci.
The term “ge
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