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摘 要 风积土是一种在我国季风区分布较为广泛的特殊性土,随着我国发展辽西北战略建 设和发展,在风积土地区修建高速公路、高速铁路等工程项目将日益增多,为了使风积 土地区的土体性质满足强度和变形方面的要求,对风积土进行改良试验研究,以确定改 良风积土的物理力学性质,这对于风积土地区不良土病害预防具有重要的现实意义。 本文系统的研究了风积土的物理力学性质,提出了风积土的多种改良方案,并进行 分析比较,进而探讨了改良方案在工程中的实际应用。在风积土的物理力学试验的基础 上,掺入一定比例的石灰、粉煤灰进行改良试验,通过对比分析可得出石灰、粉煤灰改 良土的工程特性。利用 MATLAB 软件对试验结果进行了权重分析,得出了石灰和粉煤 灰相对条件下的最优掺入比。并用 Midas 软件对改良后的风积土进行模拟实际工程状态 下的性状分析,对论文的结论加以验证。 本论文的研究对风积土地区高标准工程的设计施工提供较为充分的试验数据,对风 积土地区的土质改良有一定得参考价格和实际意义。为推动阜新地区的经济转型起到一 定的辅助作用。 关键词:风积土;石灰改良土;粉煤灰改良土;掺入量;掺入比 Abstract Aeolian soil is widely distributed in the Fuxin region,and the deviation of physical and mechanical properties is not conducive to construct high-speed railway、highways etc large engineering projects. In the past, Aeolian soil improvement is neglected in the soil research. Fuxin region’s economic transformation is unavoidable to construct foundation engineering in Aeolian soil area. In order to meet the standards and requirement of major projects, the modified method of Aeolian soil that can provide effective test parameters for engineering is very necessary. This paper studies physical and mechanical property of Aeolian soil, and puts forward a variety of Aeolian soil improvement programs, then analyzes the programs. On the basis of physical and mechanical test incorporate a certain amount of fly ash and lime into Aeolian soil to improve the test. Comparative analysis can be drawn through the lime and fly ash improved the engineering properties of soil. Using software to analyzes the weight of improved soil that can get conclusion of the best mixing ratio.This paper provides a more adequate technical data for the construction of the Aeolian soil area high standard engineering, and this research must have reference price for the Aeolian soil improvement. To proment the region’s economic transformation in Fuxin play a supporting role. And using the Midas software to simulate the improved Aeolian soil state properties of practical engineering analysis, verify the conclusions o



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