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Robotics is a highly integrated discipline. It combines the multidisciplinary research such as control technique, sensor technology, intelligent information, bionic biology, electronic technology and mechanical design, and so on. The researches in this area are very popular, and its significance is very high. As the rapid development of advanced technology, the optimum path planning and obstacle avoidance have became the most important branch of robotics, which have already attracted more and more researchers’ attention.
In this paper, we obtain three-dimensional topographic height information by sensors and use gradient threshold method to deal with flatness on ground, there should be three robot traffic conditions: Passable area, Access more difficult area and hazard area. Then according to the robot itself parameters, takes appropriate threshold value for traffic conditions and store them in two-dimensional array in corresponding coordinates of the processed image. So we can establish an appropriate database table structure, relational tables are built to connect the grid node information, road information and road access hardness information. After, we take advantage of A * algorithm to search for driving area and add threshold value as search path cost, so it’s not only the shortest possible path, but also more efficient access path. Practice has proved this can make better results, because it takes into account the corresponding actual geographical environment.
The following is the specific work of this subject:
1. First, we introduce the principle and superiority of A * algorithm, and then analyze A * algorithm with heuristic function and the similar search algorithms which without heuristic function, at last, through the experiment results and data analysis we can prove that the A * algorithm is feasible and its research value is very high.
Using ASR mobile robot stereo vision sensor image information, and processes the image info
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