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Classified Index: 416.2 U.D.C: 625 Dissertation for the Master Degree in Engineering THE APPLICATION OF THE NEW IDEAS OF HIGHWAY TRANSFORMATION IN DESIGN OF MOUNTAIN ROADS Candidate: Liu Ran Supervisor: Prof. Wang Long Academic Degree Applied for : Master of Engineering Speciality: Transportation Engineering Affiliation: Beijing road political situation Date of Defence: June,2012 Degree-Conferring-Institution: Harbin Institute of Technology 哈尔 哈尔滨工业大学工程硕士学位论文 I I 摘 要 随着公路交通的不断发展,原有道路的服务能力逐渐降低,必须要扩大 公路的通行能力,提高公路的等级,即要对原有公路的提级改建进行提级改 造设计。在对原有道路的提级改造设计和施工中,设计人员和施工人员必须 正确运用相对应的规范,使修建后的公路达到安全、流 畅、 经济效益最佳 的要求,并根据社会的发展需求,依据所承担的任务,结合公路现有情况, 提高道路等级,使设计更符合交通部提出的公路改造新理念。 108 国道改建 工程设计阶段的运用的背景情况、改造的必要性、调查结构设计,新理念在 本工程中设计阶段各方案的应用情况,工程完工后的效果体现。根据山区公 路的特点,并按照“安全、环保、舒适、和谐”的原则,对工程注入新的设 计理念。结合实际工程,展现新理念的应用效果。每一个公路建设项目都具 有特殊性,包括项目所在区域的地理位置、地形地质条件、沿线社会环境特 点、公路使用者的需求等因素。 我们面临的任务是寻求一种安全的、和周围 自然以及人类环境之间的协调与结合。因此,公路设计 与施工中要融入新理 念,将自然、人和路进行有机的结合,促进公路事业和人类文明的可持续发 展。 关键词:山区道路;新理念;道路路线;交通工程;道路绿化; II II Abstract According to the needs of road transport ation development, the transformat ion of the design for a higher level is to convert the original road to a higher level,expand the capacit y of the road and improve the level o f road. In the design of the transformat ion at a higher level Designers use the specification, so that the design of road is safe, smooth and to the best econo mic. According to the demand and the tasks of social development , and combined with the condit ions of exist ing road ,we improve the grade of road, so that our design is more in line with the Ministrys new concept of road reconstruction. State Road 108, converted the use of the background o f the engineering design phase, the transformat ion of the need to investigate the structural design, the application o f new ideas in the project design stages o f the program, the results reflected in the project is co mpleted. In ject new design concept of the pr



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