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Recently, along with the development of economic in our country, the function of department of government public relations is in progress too. All kinds of reformations are getting deeper and wider in our society. National political system reform is based on the reform of national Governors’ regulation. Based on the perfection of this regulation, our government transforms to the service-oriented government. National human recourses is consisted mostly of public officials, therefore, in government departments, the criteria of conduct and the attitude and involvement of work will have a large affect on the government’s working efficiency, public images and the degree of public satisfaction. The public officials of business administration system are responsible for executing the power of government institutions, and they also have the power of enforcing the law and specialized authority. If improper management happened, it will have a bad influence on government’s efficiency and close-to-people images, or even results in corruption and dereliction of duty. Consequently, it is really important to enhance the management of the public officials, and this kind of management is based on results evaluation. In China, results evaluation of public officials is in its initial stage, and it is one of the most important and hardest works of human recourses. Although right now the evaluation of public officials combines five aspects: “morality, ability, industry, achievements and incorruptibility”, it still involves obvious objective and opaque evaluation views. As a result, scientific evaluation technique and methodology are needed in this evaluation process. Meanwhile, in order to obtain the truthful and scientific evaluation, this scientific method should be combined with reality and then used as instruction for improving the public official’s efficiency, which will finally, achieves the goal of knowing ones subordinates well enough to assign them jobs commensura
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