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内 容 摘 要
我国已经加入 WTO,建筑业势必要与国际接轨,按照国际惯例采用工程总承包模 式。现行的建筑市场还不规范、法律法规还不健全,总承包模式将给建设单位、总承 包商带来风险,如不加以控制,会造成不可估量的损失。本文主要是为解决工程总承 包模式给建设单位、总承包商所带来的风险。
建设单位在工程项目实施中,由于缺乏设计、施工、材料采购等方面的专业知识, 很难对工程项目进行全面的、有效的项目管理,这样就存在潜在的风险。
总承包商也存在一系列风险。在投标中,由于只有工程概况,而没有设计施工图 纸、工程量,如何进行投标报价将是总承包商所面临的的一大风险。如果报价太高会 跑标;报低了,即使中标,总承包企业的成本和利润也难以得到保障;在具体设计施 工过程中,不可预见因素众多,总承包商将会面临更多的风险。
对建设单位、总承包商所面临的这些风险,文中主要利用一些风险管理手段,如 担保、合同以及期权手段来防范这种模式给各参与方带来的风险。
关键词:WTO 工程总承包 风险 防范
With chinas entry into WTO, our countrys construction industry must be integrated into the world and adopt the international construction general contract pattern. However our construction market is morbidity in law and specification about construction. So the mode will bring risks to the client and the general contractor. If they don’t control the risks, they will lose heavily. The main purpose of the paper is to solve these risks under the mode for the client and the general contractor.
For the client, because he doesn’t all know about the designing, building and purchasing the material, he won’t manage validly the construction project through the constructing project. Then it will exist the hidden risks to the client.
For the general contractor, there will be also a series of risks under the mode. How
to bid will be the risk to him because he only gain the general situation about the project and not have the design—constructing blueprint through the bidding. If his bid is too high, he won’t get the project; If it is too low and gain the project,he won’t ensure his profit and even damnify its cost. Through the constructing project, he will face the more risks for the unprediction factors.
The author use some methods of the risk management to control these risks of the the client and the general contractor . These methods are the surety, contract, option and so on. Key words: WTO the construction general contract risk prevent
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