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华 中 科 技 大 学 硕 士 学 位 论 文
摘 要
在电力变压器运行过程中,绝缘故障是主要的故障类型。局部放电(局放)是 导致电力变压器内部绝缘劣化的主要原因之一。变压器局放的在线监测能够准确及 时地反映变压器内部的绝缘状态,对预防突发性事故的发生,保障电力系统安全稳 定运行具有重大意义。变压器局放超高频(UHF)监测方法具有抗干扰能力强等优 点,近年来成为人们研究的热点。
本文针对变压器局放在线监测中信号提取及分类识别等难点,结合葛洲坝电厂 251B、1B、14B、18B 等四台变压器在线监测系统上获得的现场数据,开展了变压器 局放超高频监测数据分析与知识发现研究。
首先介绍了变压器局放超高频在线监测的原理和信号特点,综述了局放超高频监 测的抗干扰处理和数据分析方法。然后结合知识发现过程,根据监测系统结构和工 作原理确定了目标数据,在对目标数据进行滤波、消噪等预处理的基础上,应用基 于能量阈值的滑动窗口法实现了单脉冲信息的提取。最后以葛洲坝电厂最优维护系 统(HOMS)为平台,总结了变压器单元在不同工况下的总体脉冲特性。通过对现 场典型脉冲特性的分析,设计并实现了基于脉冲宽度、脉冲极性及分布特性的脉冲 分类识别算法。试验结果表明,该算法计算量小,执行效率高,能够对各类典型脉 冲信号进行有效地分类和识别。
During the operation of power transformers, insulation deterioration is still the major fault. Partial discharge (PD) is one of the prime reasons to cause insulation deterioration occurring inside power transformers. The PD on-line monitoring can be used to judge the insulation situation of power transformers accurately and timely. It’s valuable to prevent accident faults in power transformers and insure stable performance of power system. Ultra-high-frequency (UHF) PD monitoring approach is focused on recent years because of its effectiveness to avoid noises.
In order to solve the difficulties in pulses extraction and classification of the on-line monitoring system in power transformers, a research on data analysis and knowledge discovery of UHF PD monitoring system in power transformers was conducted using the raw data obtained from the on-line monitoring system of 251B, 1B, 14B, 18B transformers in Gezhouba Hydro Power Plant.
Firstly the theory of UHF PD on-line monitoring in transformers and signal characteristics were studied, and an overview of anti-interference measures and data analysis methods in UHF PD monitoring system were given. Then referring to the process of knowledge discovery, the target datasets were established on the basis of the structure and principle of the monitoring system. After filtering and de-noising of the datasets, a method based o
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