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and the test for wireless communication is done. The total time for wireless communication test is about 2000 minutes, and the wireless communication error rate
is less than reliable.
9.5?10一10 . This is shown that the wireless communication is stable and
Based on the initial completion of the prototype of distributed wireless data acquisition system, a method used for clock synchronization between distributed wireless data acquisition units is realized. Through wireless communication the timers of CPU record the time of sending and receiving data packets between the stations to achieve clock synchronization. Through wireless communication the DAC of CPU adjusts the voltage of VCXO to improve the accuracy of clock synchronization further. In the two cases that the clock of the master and slave is synchronized or not, the distributed data acquisition, analysis and comparison are done. In this test of clock synchronization, the accuracy of clock synchronization of signal in master and salve station when clock is synchronized is 0.061 ms, which is better than 1.27ms when clock is not synchronized. The results show that the clock synchronization is very important for improving the synchronization of distributed data acquisition.
In summary, the prototype of distributed wireless data acquisition system for oil seismic exploration is initially realized in this paper. And all of these have done a certain amount of preparation work for adding a distributed wireless data acquisition network to large full digital seismograph system development project of the laboratory.
Key Words:seismic exploration, wireless, distributed data acquisition
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