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Fractional-slot concentrated windings PMSM is a specia1 motor wi由 particu1ar
S阳tor struc阳re. Because of its particu1ar struc阳re and properties ,its widely used in many occasions. Firstly,it has solved the problem of more poles but less slots.
Secondly,by 也.e equivalent distribution,也e harmonic componen臼 of 由.e electric
motive force(EMF) have also been weakened in 仕actional slot concen甘ated windings PMSM,so it can improve the voltage waveform and increase 伽e utilization rate of 由e windings. Finaly,Fractional-s10t windings will produce more 企actional harmonics,
咱 but 由ey a1so weaken tooth slot harmonics and reduce 由.e positioning torque of the PMSM.
In traditional PMSM with shortrange distribution windings,白e harmonic of the
创r gap magnetic field is so little 伽at 抗 can be ignored. But 怕也.e PMSM with fractiona1-s10t concentrated windings ,the harmonic ofthe 任has gre创erimpact on the motors,and ω 伽e 企equency increasing,it can a1so induct much more
eddycurrent in the rotor 由at cant be ignored. Eddy-current will cause a high tempera阳re,causing partia1 demagnetization of the permanent magnet.Therefore,it is
very necessaryωresearch the eddycurrent losses in the PMSM wi伽仕actional slot concentrated windings.
In this paper,fractiona1 slot concentrated winding theory and the p巾ciple about .
、moωr designing has been analysed frrst1y and the rule of the sloνpole number combinations has been summarized a1so.ηlen the winding factors and 哑- harmonic componen臼 of the fractional slot windings have a1so been reasoned. Based
on the relevant electromagnetic 由.eory and 由世te element analysis 由eory,由e no-loading and loading electromagnetic field distribution of the 8 pole 9 slot moωr
which is discussed in this paper has been concluded ,according ωthe results,the
induced voltage which effects 由e eddy current will be obtained in the postprocessing.
咀l?s resu1ts wou1d be used in desi伊由19 of the PMSM.
KEY WORDS: fractional slot concentrated winding
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