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中国科技资源导刊 ISSN 1674-1544 CHINA SCIENCE TECHNOLOGY RESOURCES REVIEW 2013 5 45 3 87-92, 96 ISSN 1674-1544 Vol.45 No.3 87-92 May 2013 年 月 第 卷第 期  , 96, 浅论学术著作的评价 胡红亮 (中国科学技术信息研究所,北京 100038 ) 摘  要:学术著作是一种特殊的信息资源产品。在网络和数字化条件下,学术著作的评价面临新的变革。文章在阐 述学术著作及其重要特性和评价的重要意义的基础上,论述目前学术著作评价的一般做法和评价标准,展望未来学术著 作评价发展的趋势。论文通过对学术著作评价的相关研究,为写作者、阅读者和相关机构提供了决策支持。 关键词:学术著作;著作研究;著作评价;评价趋势;学术信息资源评价 分类号:G20 文献标识码:A DOI:10.3772/j .issn.1674-1544.2013.03.016 Discusses on Evaluation of Academic Works Hu Hongliang (Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (ISTIC), Beijing 100038) Abstract: As special information resource products, academic writings are playing a very important role in the process of research and academic exchanges. For a long time, many researchers engaged in a variety of practices related evaluation of academic works, but compared with the journal, they stays in the qualitative and exploratory stage. In the network and digitization conditions, the evaluation of academic works is facing new revolution. This paper analyzes the important features of academic works and significance of its evaluation, followed by discussion of the general current evaluation practice and criteria, and finally looked to the future development trend of evaluation. Those research could provide decision support for writers, readers and related organizations. Keywords: academic works, works research, works evaluation, trend of evaluation, academic information resource evaluation 尽管学术著作没有明确的定义,但通常而言, 是指研究人员根据相关研究成果,在其长期研究积 1 学术著作评价的研究背景 累的基础上,针对某一问题进行深入阐述后形成的 1.1 学术著作及其重要特性 供记录和复制传播的正式出


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