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30 4 Vol .3 0 No .4 2 0 0 8 12  Journal of Earth Sciences and Environment   Dec.2 0 0 8 163 1 2 1 1 1 滕宝刚 , 米乃哲 , 邓 涛 ,徐 永 , 刘 明 (1. , 2 7237;2. , 7100 4) :163 、、 , Jason 。 、、, GOCAD Jason , 。, 3~6 m , , 。 :;Jason;; + :P631.4 43 :A  :1672-6 61(2008)04-0420-0 Application of Jason Logging Constrained Inversion in the Old 163 Well Field of Laohekou Oilfield 1 2 1 1 1 TENG Bao-gang , M I Nai-zhe , DENG Tao , XU Yong , LIU Ming (1.Institute of Geology, Zhuangxi Petroleum Production P lant of Shengli Oilf ield, Dongy ing 2 7237, Shandong, China; 2.School of Earth Sciences and Resources, Chang an University , X i an 7100 4 Shaanxi, China) Abstract:In view of great vertical and horizontal changes of oil-gas reservoir of Tertiary fluvial facies in old 163 well field of Laohekou oilfield, complex and aggregated oil-gas reservoir and the characteristics of low precision interpretation of common seismicity, Jason logging constrained inversion is used in the seismic processing and sandbody description in the upper reservoir of this region.This technology can improve the seismic interpretation precision in this area by pre-processing of seismic reservoir, standardized adjustment of bore log and demarcation position overcom the shortcomings of Jason s initial model by GOCAD.The results show that it can recognize reservoirs w ithin 3 to 6 m, solve the difficult problem of the thin-bedded alternation sandbody identification and receive better exploration and development efficiency. Ke words:logging constrained inversion;Jason;w ave impedance;resolution 、、、


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