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会计准则的经济后果 [ ]会计准则的经济后果包括准则制定和执行两个层面,深入研究会计准则经济 后果具奋重要的理论和现实意义。会计准则的经济后果性决定丫制定会计准则的□标是服务 于产权的界定,会计准则制定最理想的价值取向就是在确认与计量环节恪守“信息中立”。会 计准则的制定过程是一个由多方利益代表参与的博弈过程。会计准则的执行是在会计政策的 选择过程中实现的。木文首先对会计准则进行了概述,同时对其经济G來研究的意义进行了 分析,然后通过分析发现通常会计准则的经济后果产生于会计准则的制定和执行过程,进一 步分析了会计准则制定过程及执行过程屮所产生的经济后果,会计准则制定过程,当有一些 准则己失去中立性,从而具有了一定得经济后果会计准则的执行过程中,通常会由于会计政 策的选择、职业判断及盈余管理等方而而产生经济后果。最后分析了会计准则经济后果对我 国会计准则制定的影响及启示,以指导怎样去规避会计准则的经济f來。 [关键字]会计准则;经济£1?采 Economic consequences of accounting standards [Abstract] Economic consequence of accounting standards includes two sides: setting and enforcing. Studying accounting standards’ economic consequence has important theoretic and practical meanings. Accounting standards’ economic consequence decides the goal of setting standards is affirming property rights. The best value direction of setting standards is “zero economic consequence” at recognition and measurement aspects. The process of standards’ setting is a game process, in which many stake holders participate. Enforcing of accounting standards realizes during theprocess of accounting policy choice. This article provided an overview of accounting standards, and the significance of studying on the economic consequences of accounting standards firstly. And then the article analyzed the economic consequences of accounting standards from setting and enforcing. Finally, the article analyzed the impact and Enlightenment of the economic consequences of accounting standards,to guide how to avoid the economic consequences of accounting standards. [Key word] Accounting Standards; Economic Consequence 目录 TOC \o 1-5 \h \z 弓 I W 1 HYPERLINK \l bookmark3 \o Current Document \h 一、 会计准则经济后果概述及其研究意义 2 HYPERLINK \l bookmark4 \o Current Document \h (一) 会计准则的经济后果概述 2 HYPERLINK \l bookmark5 \o Current Document \h (二) 会计准则的经济后果研究意义 2 会计准则的经济后果,导致准则的制定过程变成全体参与者博弈的政治过程错误!未定义书 签。 会汁准则经济活果的出现,引发了对资木市场有效性的质疑,对此问题的深入认又可加深 对会计准则本质的理解。 错误!未定义书签。 TOC \o 1-5 \h \z HYPERLINK \l bookmark6 \o Current Document \h 二、 会计准则经济后果的产生


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