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Abstract Cross-cultural Communication (International Communication or cross cultural communications) refers to the communication of people from different cultural backgrounds. In cross-cultural communication, incorrect pronunciation, grammar or vocabulary mistakes are likely to lead to mutual misunderstanding and communication barriers. However,when the pronunciation and the grammar are correct,the obstacles will be continue to occur due to the fact that one side cannot express their ideas accurately,or lack of response to the other side of the topic, or some words seem too domineering,etc. At present,cross-cultural communication has been regarded as an comprehensive discipline combining of anthropology,linguistics, psychology,communication studies,sociology and other disciplines by international scholars. Today’s world is an era of globalization,people from different cultural backgrounds having more and more communication, intercultural communication is becoming more and more important. In this paper,two types of the understanding obstacles in intercultural communication,failures in cross-cultural communication process because of the language difference, or because of the cultural difference barriers, general reactions to the problem and some effective solutions were discussed. Key Words: intercultural communication; understanding obstacles; cultural differences 中文 跨文化交际(国际交流或跨文化交际)是指不同的文化竹景的人们之间的沟通。跨文 化沟通,即跨文化交际,不止确发音,语法和词汇的错误可能导致相互误解和沟通障碍。 但是,当语音和语法是正确的,障碍会继续产生由于一方不能准确表达自己的思想;要么 对对方的话题缺乏反应;要么说话U气过于肯定或是显得盛气凌人等。0前,跨文化交际 学已发展成为一门被M际学者们充分重视的集人类学、语言学、心理学、传播学、社会学 等为一体的综合性学科。今天的世界是一个全球化的时代,宥越來越多的来Q不同文化背 景的人沟通,跨文化的沟通变得越来越重要。木文就跨文化交际过程屮,对交际双方由于 文化问的差异而造成交际障碍,导致交际失败的原因及一些有效的解决办法进行了探讨。 关键词:跨文化交际;理解的障碍;文化差异 L Introduction The so-called cross-cultural communication, that is,different cultural backgrounds come together to share ideas, feelings and information. The study of intercultural communication first rise in the United States. The United States is a country of immigrant


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