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浅议承包商赶工索赔问题处理 [安商要]由于非承包商原因导致的工程延误在大型项0建设中吋常发生,对此进行的 赶工和赶工索赔处理成为工程项Fq合同管理的重要内容之一。本文通过赶工起因的分析、结 合承包商提出的赶工索赔,阐述赶工索赔处理过程屮遇到的问题并进行原因分析,最后,提 出解决问题的措施。通过对大型工程赶工索赔处理模式进行总结和讨论,并结合安装工程的 特殊性,建设性地提出一种特定条件下的赶工索赔费用计算方法、索赔处理流程、赶工补偿 责任追索体系。在工程具备精细的合同母本计划、准确且可执行的实际计划、合同人工费用 比例较高、每月核实准确的现场人力动员以及具有优秀组织管理能力的承包商等前提下,提 出新的赶工费用计算方法。 [关键字]延误;赶工;索赔;安装工程;赶工费 Discussion on contractor work claims processing [Abstract] Due to project delays caused by the contractor in the construction of large projects often occur, this is rush and crush claims processing to become an important part of project contract management.Through the work causes analysis, combined with rushing claims from contractors, described worked in claims processing problems and root cause analysis, and finally, propose measures to solve the problem.Through large engineering work claims processing model are summarized and discussed, and installation engineering specialty, work under specific conditions is presented in a constructive manner claims cost calculation method, claims processing, work compensation system of recourse.In the engineering contract with fine original plans, accurate and implementation plans, contract labor costs higher,monthly to verify accurate on-site manpower mobilization and contractor with excellent organization skills, under proposed new work costing method. [Key word] Delayed Rush Claims Installation works Rush fee TOC \o 1-5 \h \z 觀 1 難# 1 Abstract 2 Key word 2 一、 弓丨W 1 HYPERLINK \l bookmark2 \o Current Document \h (一) 承包商赶工索赔的重要性 1 HYPERLINK \l bookmark3 \o Current Document \h (二) 承包商赶工索赔的研宄现状 1 HYPERLINK \l bookmark4 \o Current Document \h 业主指示 1 HYPERLINK \l bookmark5 \o Current Document \h 承包商自身原因 1 HYPERLINK \l bookmark6 \o Current Document \h 可原谅延误导致的赶工 1 HYPERLINK \l bookmark7 \o Current Document \h (三) 承包商赶工索赔 1 (四) 课题研宂的内容 2 HYPERLINK \l bookmark9 \o Current Document \h 二、 赶工索赔处理存在的问题 2 HYPERLINK \l bookmark10 \o Current Document \h (一) 赶工事实判定困难 2 HYPERLINK \l bookmark11 \o Curr


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