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郑州大学西亚斯国际学院 本科毕北论丈 题 目浅析藏族舞蹈中颤膝的民族特 征性 指导教师马斌 职称教授 学生姓名吴宁 学号201390611164 专 业音乐表演 班级13级 院(系)歌剧院 完成时间 浅析藏族舞蹈中颤膝的民族特征性 藏族舞蹈是中国艺术文化宝库里重要的一部分.藏族舞蹈既冇高原民族粗犷 豪放、自由勇敢的特点,又有屮华儿女细腻温柔、优雅灵动的特色。藏族舞蹈屮, “颤膝”的动作贯穿始终,体现了藏族舞蹈的民族性特征。本文通过对藏族舞蹈 的概述,引出“颤膝”的动律特点,并对“颤膝”的形成起源、特点分类、并且 从怎么进行这种舞蹈的训练的方法和怎么应用在什么地方,我们能够在这种舞蹈 中看到藏族人们的生活的习惯以及博大文化的底蕴,本文旨在通过对藏族舞蹈” 颤膝”这一民族性特征的分析,来加强对古老的民族审美艺术特征理解与把握, 以求挖掘藏族独具特色的民族艺术与审美价值,并为广大藏族舞蹈学习者提供一 定的理论指导,在对于本文对藏族舞蹈中颤膝的民族特征性的研究和分析希望对 于藏族的文化的发扬有所帮助和一定的借鉴的意义。 关键词:藏族舞蹈“颤膝”民族性 THE NATIONAL CHARACTERISTIC OF TIBETAN DANCE FIBRILLATION KNEE ABSTRACT Tibetan dance is an important part of the treasure house of Chinese art and culture,which has both the characteristics of the plateau nation,the bold and unrestrained, free and brave,and the delicate,gentle and elegant characteristics of Chinese people. In Tibetan dance, the movement of trembling knees” runs through all the time,which embodies the national character of Tibetan dance. Based on the overview of Tibetan dance,leads to trembling knee” and the law of dynamic characteristics of fibrillation knee” origin and formation characteristics and classification,from how this dance training methods and how to use in what place,we can see their living habits and Tibetans in this vast cultural heritage dance, this paper aims to analyze the Tibetan Dance ’’knee” the fibrillation national characteristics,to strengthen the national aesthetic characteristic of the ancient understanding and grasp, to explore the unique Tibetan folk art and aesthetic value,and provide some theoretical guidance for the majority of Tibetan Dance learners in the research and analysis the national characteristics of Tibetan dance in the quiver knee hope for help and reference significance to promote Tibetan culture. Keyword:Tibetan dance fibrillation knee national characteristics TOC \o 1-5 \h \z HYPERLINK \l bookmark5 \o Current Document \h 1藏族舞蹈概述 6 HYPERLINK \l bookmark6 \o Current Document \h 1.1藏族舞蹈的分类 6 HYPERLINK \l bookmark7 \o Current Docu


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