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Abstract Ancient architectures is a witness of a country and regional s history and culture, it records the footprints of the development of human civilization, from long time ago, some western European countries carry out its protection of ancient buildings by the constitution and the technical ways, as with many ancient buildings in China, the protection of ancient buildings and these historical and cultural vector is an important significance. Veranda Street is the most unique building in the Lingnan region, it also is a group of urban landscape architectures with Lingnan characteristic and its function is linked with the climate of Canton and human environment. It has been formed within the city s main street pattern. Today, in the process of urban development in Guangdong, facing with the contradictions and conflicts of urbanization, construction, and historical and cultural building, Veranda Street gradually declines with the transformation of the old city. The study against this background of this paper, first it integrated to do the description and analysis of the Guangzhou veranda architectures, pointed out that various threats in the urban development faced by, refer the successful experience of Western European countries, proposed the countermeasures and suggestions of Guangzhou veranda streets protection and development, hope that these historical and cultural connotation of the city bearing the ancient building can effective and permanent retained with the urban development. Key Words: veranda street, ancient architecture, protection 引言 由于气候原因,富有岭南特色的骑楼古建筑在广州已经形成了市内街景的主格局,并在商 业区一直唱着主角。这种宥特色的都市建筑景观,沉积着广州深厚的文化历史,弘扬着古城 悠远的文明底蕴,門现城市独特的特色,它的功用和建筑风格与广州气候、人文等环境相联 系,体现了一个时代的广州建筑风貌。无论是在文化或建筑艺术上,骑楼都极其保护价值, 如今却随着城市建设的推进而面临n渐被淘汰的危机,凶此,冇必要对它加以重视和保护。 广州骑楼的现状 l.i广州古建筑的介绍 冇两千多年历史的广州是我闺最早的通商口岸之一,受四洋文化的影响较早,同时,本 土的岭南文化也是迷人的,因为岭南文化重实用,从吃到住,一一渗透在老广州的阎巷之间。 这里充满着历史与文化的积淀,走进老广州的街头巷尾,那处处可见的老字号招牌,以及保 存完好的老房子,透露出浓郁的岭南风情。建筑是一个城市历史的沉淀,在老城区街头,古 老建筑的身影处处可见。 古建筑是提升城市文化品味的历史实体,城市的魅力在于


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