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题目:浅析财务报表重大错误识别方法 浅析财务报表重大错报识别方法 [ ]企业财务报表是市场上投资者获取企业有关信息的重要來源之一。为了保证披露的 会计信息的客观公正,世界各岡都对其进行管制,这种管制可以增强资木市场投资者的信心, 进而改善资本市场的运行,然而在世界各国的市场上,仍然存在着较多的虚假错报会计报表。 虚假会计报表错误地向投资者传递旮关公司的信息,会导致投资者的决策错误,最终给投资 者带来损失,投资者可以通过认真研究分析,找到识别财务报表重大错报的对策。 [关键字]重大错报风险影响因素方法对策 Analysis of material misstatement of the financial statements of identification methods [Abstract] Corporate financial statements is on the market for corporate investors an important source of information. Disclosure of accounting information in order to ensure objective and fair, the world will be controlled, such controls can enhance the confidence of the capital market investors, thereby improving the operation of the capital market, but in the world market, there are still many false misstated financial statements. False accounting statements to investors falsely passed information about the company, will lead to investor decision-making errors, and ultimately result in losses to investors, investors can through careful research and analysis, to find a material misstatement of the financial statements identify countermeasures. [Key word] Risk of material misstatement Factors Method Countermeasure 目录 TOC \o 1-5 \h \z 弓丨 W 1 HYPERLINK \l bookmark3 \o Current Document \h —、对重大错报风睑的解读 1 HYPERLINK \l bookmark4 \o Current Document \h 二、 影响重大错报的风睑因素 1 (-)職醐 1 HYPERLINK \l bookmark6 \o Current Document \h (二) 财务因素 2 HYPERLINK \l bookmark7 \o Current Document \h (三) 战略经营因素 2 HYPERLINK \l bookmark8 \o Current Document \h (四) 治理结构因素 3 HYPERLINK \l bookmark9 \o Current Document \h (五) 内部控制因素 3 HYPERLINK \l bookmark10 \o Current Document \h (六) 会计错弊因素 4 HYPERLINK \l bookmark11 \o Current Document \h 三、 识别重大错报的方法 4 HYPERLINK \l bookmark12 \o Current Document \h (一) 岡读注册会计师的帘计报告 4 HYPERLINK \l bookmark13 \o Current Document \h (二) 分析报表附注寻找调杏重点 5 HYPERLINK \l bookmark14 \o Current Document \h (三) 财务指标的分析比较 5 HYPERLINK \l bookmark15 \o Current Document \h (四) 剔除不以资产 5 HYPERLINK \l bookmark16 \o Current Document \


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